Thursday, May 31, 2007

"field trip"

As previously reported, we spent Memorial Day afternoon with the Flagg's on their farm. Deb had a few surprises for me.... one being, one of her hens is a Mama to three little chicks. I don't remember "what" kind of chickens these are, but they are very small and quite endearing for chickens. (I am not a huge chicken fan). These three little babies aren't any more than little fuzzy balls, but they do a good job keeping the yard clear of tics and all sorts of other "bad bugs". I had a fun time, just watching them peck about the yard and keeping up with their Mama.......

Then Deb offered to take me over to the nursery where she gets alot of her plants for her garden. She had been telling me about the tortoise that lives there, and knowing that I AM a fan of turtles, she thought that I might enjoy seeing this tortoise. Was she ever right about that!!!! It's an African land tortoise, he is 7 years old, and weighs about 50 lbs. His name is Linus!!!! In the warmer weather, he lives outside with a small dog house for comfort, and in the winter, he lives in one of the greenhouses on the property. He's very cool and very handsome!!!!!

They also have a small outdoor pond there, and I "discovered", in the gold fish pond, were two red eared sliders!!!! One was a little bigger than Titus and the other a little smaller. They certainly are happy living outside in this good weather, so I spent some time talking with the owners about how they did that, and needless to say, I now have some ideas of what I would like to do for an outside pond for Titus!!!!! Just add another item on the "project list"!!!!!!

On Tuesday, when everyone got back to work, Kassy called me and said that she had found a baby turtle in the parking lot at her work!!! This didn't' totally surprise me, because a co-worker had found one about a month ago. She asked if I wanted her to bring it home.... why not.. I thought, better than getting squished by a car.

I knew that it was going to be little, but just how little is beyond me. There is no way "it" can go in with Titus right now, I fear Titus would like it was a great little snack..... just to give you some idea of its size.... Sadie is holding a half dollar in this picture and you can see, it's smaller than that. SO.... I have been doing some research on how to keep a baby, and think I need to call "Zoo creatures" (where we got Titus) to find out the best way to keep him. I am going to set up Titus's small tank for him to live in for awhile!!!!

It seems to go like this for me..... that once I have some type of animal, the rest just seem to find their way into my life.... look at the cockers!!!!! But I hope this way of turtles doesn't go too crazy on me!!!!! They are fun, but I will say again... they are a fair amount of work!!!!! I'll let you know if and when Titus gets his outside pond!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Memorial Day

Even though the town of York has grown greatly since I was a little child, there are still moments when it has it's "Norman Rockwell" feeling.... the Memorial Day parade being one of them for sure.

The parade starts early... 9:30 AM... and this year the weather was grand. So Kas, Sadie and I along with 7 cocker spaniels, walked up to the center of town, grabbed a couple of bagels and coffee, and settled in for the big event.

I was happy to see a number of other folks doing the same thing, in fact, I thought the crowd was pretty good!!!! But, I was even more impressed with the patriotism that seemed to be present this year. LOTS of cheering for the service men and women who marched, and lots of applause and proper respect shown when our flags passed by!!!

The firemen had a good showing.... looking very prim and proper in their "dress blues".... recognize this good looking guy!!!! (bet you didn't know that Ed could "clean up" so good!!!) and that's Chris in the forefront... the Chief, good friend and neighbor!!!!!

Course, it wouldn't be Memorial Day without Nate, so "mini Nate" had to step in and do his job!!! Here is the family photo.... Charlie, Kas and Nate!!!!

After the parade, we went out to celebrate with the Flaggs!!!! Had a wonderful cookout - the first of the season - and then Deb took me on a "field trip" to show me something quite wonderful!!!! But, that will be in my next blog..... so, stay tuned!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

change of plans

Our original plans for the holiday weekend, were to go to the Oxford Fair grounds for the Maine Draft Horse day & auction. Sadly, there were some terms between the horse club and the fairground that could not be met, and the event had to be cancelled. Fortunately, Kim thought to call me Friday evening and tell me this news, because it saved Ed and I from traveling up there only to find this out!!!!

So, with Moxie and Dancer supervising from the front door, we tackled yet another project from the "to do list". Take down the shrubs from in front of the house, that have grown much too large and were in pretty sad shape.

It was (is) a big job, but the right equipment and the two of us working together, we got a good part of it done on Saturday afternoon. We filled up both the pick-ups, a small trailer and the big tractor trailer with branches and shrubs.

After carting that over to dump in Portsmouth, Ed couldn't wait to get on the tractor and start pulling up the stumps. Once we have them all out, and dumped, he then plans on rotor tilling the entire front lawn, and re-seeding it. The next step will be to pick out a "white pickett fence" to go along the road, I don't like it being so open to the road side, even if there isn't that much traffic and we don't use the front door as a main entrance.

It's hard to believe that 20 years ago, we planted 14 small shrubs, I couldn't wait for them to get big enough to make a hedge, which, we were told, would grown to about 4 feet in height. Well, for some odd reason, these hedges went way beyond the 4 feet, and when they began to take over the lawn and make it hard to see when pulling out of the driveway, it was time to think of a new game plan.

It certainly gives the house a different look, but when it's all said and done, it will look quite nice.....

Silly me.......I thought weekends were for relaxing, guess I thought wrong!!!!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

the vet cometh

Today was "vet day" for the horses, Dr. Mike came out to give them their yearly shots, do their coggins tests and file down their teeth. It's always easier on man and beast to give a little calming shot, just enough to take the "edge" off. Even though both horses are very good about being handled, getting two shots, having blood taken and a file put to your teeth is enough to make even the best a little crazy.

Silver took it all in stride, but at nearly 30, he has seen many "spring visits". Here Dr. Mike is getting his blood and doing his "calming shot".

"Poor" Tonka, well, maybe not, he probably had a nice little sleep after we left. But he looks pretty pathetic with his head resting in the stall corner and his droopy eyes!!!

Its been a busy month of vet visits. All the dogs needed their check ups as well as the horses, so for the past few weeks, I have been taking them in... two at a time. Helps span out the bill!!! and makes it easier to handle.

I love having all these pets, but financially its a big responsibility keeping them healthy!!!!! But, we wouldn't have it any other way... they bring such joy to our lives!!!

and for the record, Trevor can count his lucky stars.... the cross stitch people sent me a new pattern, so I can finish my project... he's one lucky dog!!!!!!

Nate's "new" truck

So, what do you think of this little beauty. This is what will be waiting for Nate when he arrives home in November!!! I guess for some time now, Nate has been wanting an "older" pick-up and he has always liked the body style of the '80's. Kas thought it would be fun to find one for him over the summer and have it ready when Nate is home again.

She picked up a second job (part time) and began to save her pennies and look around for the "perfect little truck", but she never dreamed she would find it so quickly or one that is in the great shape that this little truck is!!!!It's a 1984 and has been "babied"... it has even been shown in a couple of truck shows!!! and the young man that owned it, really didn't want to part with it, but just doesn't have the time to keep it. Kas took Ed with her to check it all out, but the truck speaks for itself!!!

There is only one small glitch - as far as Kas is concerned - and that is, it's a standard shift!!!! Kids today don't know how to drive a standard!!! so, Kas is going to have to learn.

I love driving standards, my little beetle is one, and I just like the "control" you have driving one, but, if you don't know how to do it....control is not what you feel.

I tried giving Kas a little driving lesson, but because its not insured or registered yet, we basically could only go back and forth across the street. She did manage to move it a few times without stalling it, and I know once we can get it out on the road (or in the school parking lot!!!) she'll catch on how to drive it. Course, then, she will probably fall in love with it, and good luck to Nate to ever have a chance to drive it!!!!!!!

I also see Ed "eye balling" it, he likes this body style too, and has already told Kas that if Nate doesn't like it, he'll buy it off her--( I hope Nate likes it.... we DON'T need another truck or vehicle !!!!)But Kas is pretty sure that Nate will love it, in fact, she already let the secret out and has sent the pictures to Iraq!!!!

So, if there wasn't a million reasons already for Nate to hurry home...... here is another!!!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

phone calls

One thing that has been a huge help with regards to Nate's deployment, is the fact that he has been able to call Kass, Deb & Dave, on a fairly regular basis. This has been a real blessing for them (us) because even the shortest of phone calls, says that he is safe and it's going well.

It just "boggles" my mind though, when I think about it, especially when he calls on Kassy's cell phone. One call I can partically remember is when we were on our way home from church, Kass is riding in the truck, and talking on the phone half way around the world...with little trouble. The time difference is hard enough to comprehend... let alone "where" he is at the moment. Deb. sent me a picture of the "base" Nate is at.... just plain brown desert with tents... not much to look at... and yet there is phone service and other basics.... amazing in many ways, but certainly not the way we are living day to day!!!!!

We just can't say enough of what all your prayers and well wishes mean....please continue because it is definitely what gets us through.........

On a lighter note, I just had to post this picture of our old apple tree... in full bloom and it is just beautiful!!!! I love this old tree, in the fall the apples, (which are a bit annoying to mow over) are a favorite with the deer. We have had as many as six deer feeding from it. They aren't exactly "tame" but they certainly aren't bothered by us or the cars and can be such fun to watch. I must remember to get a picture of them when the arrive in the fall.

We also have a number of very special pets under this tree, so that in itself, makes it close to my heart. I feel a strange sort of comfort thinking that they are safely tucked under this grand old tree. And as the blooms go on, they drop from the tree and it's all white underneath, so we have a good show for a few weeks!!! (Certainly not the way things look in Iraq!!!!)

I have really enjoyed the spring this year, maybe because it was a year ago that I was facing surgery and had a "scare", the sort of thing that makes you sit up and pay attention to life, and appreciate the fact that "you" are well. I heard a quote once that I will never forget...... "if it's a problem, that can be cured with money..... then it really isn't a problem"... and that's right. Sometime you might not have the money, so its seems like a big problem, but if you think about the things that can't be solved by money.... then you get the big idea. And on that note.... off for my walk with the gang.

Monday, May 21, 2007

camp weekend

This was our first "official" weekend at camp, and as much as I would like to say we sat around, and sipped cold drinks, and played in the lake....... the only ones playing in the lake were the loons!!!

This was a "working" weekend... and did we work!!! With TWO cottages for rent this summer, there was a TON of sorting out and cleaning to make ready for the season.

The back camp wasn't too bad, since it was closed up nice and clean, all that was needed was to do mouse patrol, and go over the fine details .

but the front camp--which belongs to Ed's Mom and will be rented for the first time this year--needed a lot of organizing and clean up. I was SO happy that my dear friend, Kim, was available to help us out. Kim cleans houses for a living (AND if anyone needs some help in that department... I HIGHLY recommend her!!!! you won't be able to keep up with her!!!!) Between the three of us, we got a lot of work done.... personally, I am exhausted, but the cottages sure look wonderful, and we can rest easy knowing that they are ready to go. It was a good weekend to do that sort of thing, because the weather was cool and rainy, so I suppose it was better to get it all done.

Officially, the summer has begun and I am looking forward to having "real camp weekends"..... good friends, cookouts, long walks with the dogs.... and playing in the lake.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Trevor, Trevor, Trevor.......

TREVOR!!! I adore all my little spaniels.... and I am, by trade... a dog trainer. Upon occasion... I have to remind myself of these two facts, especially when it comes to Trevor!!!

He is my little trouble maker. And in the past 48 hours, Trevor has been on a roll with his trouble. It started when he ate my cross-stitch pattern!!!! The one that I have 3/4 of the way done, and is suppose to be a present for my niece next month..... THEN he decided that he would try the sheet rock out on the new sunroom. I heard him getting into mischief and I should have checked on him..... but it wasn't until he went past me with a chunk of sheet rock in his mouth, that I went and checked....sure enough, right by the door, a little patch had been torn off.......

But, today, took the prize... he started with a roll of toilet paper... (bad enough.)... and ended with.... Ed's paycheck!!!!... at least I think he ate the paycheck.... it's not where Ed left it, and its no where to be found. So, based on Trevor's track record.. we are assuming it's him again!!!!

Now, I will accept some of the blame here... first, I know he has a "thing" for paper, and needs to be watched... and second... with the rainy weather, and a schedule that's been a little too busy the past couple of days... he hasn't had a walk in a few days.. and that always leads to some trouble making. Usually when he is well walked and has something to occupy him... he's good.... but if not......

Fortunately.... the toilet paper is replaceable.... and I called the company that made the cross-stitch pattern and they are sending me another copy of it (thought it was pretty funny that my dog "ate my copy"), the sheet rock thing can be covered by trim.... and that my hubby...who is extremely good natured --- was able to bring me another paycheck.....

And that Trevor lives in a home where ... for all his faults... he is dearly loved, because I wonder how it would have been for him if he wasn't ..............

Saturday, May 12, 2007

M&M's (mom & mom's?)

I like chocolate!!! and if I had my choice of candies, I would pick "m&m's" anytime of the day!!! I usually keep a bowl full handy and find that a number of others like them, too.... when the bowl is empty.

I think the reason why I like them so much, is their small size. I also like the way they melt, and one of my favorite things to do, is to put a couple in my mouth, and then sip coffee.... I know, a little strange, but it sure is yummy.

Now, Kas and Nate know the things I just told you, so for Mother's day... this wonderful box arrived in the mail!!!!! they are personalized M&M's!!! and they say... "we love you... Kas & Nate" and "thanks, Mom" (tried to get a picture to show you, but the camera can't pick up the small print!!!)

Not only are they my favorite little candies, but they came in four small bags, so I can share as many (or as little) as I wish!!!! and I can read the little note just before I pop one in my mouth!!! They sent a box to Deb too... so now, M&M's = Mom & Mom!!!!

Happy Mother's Day to one and all..... enjoy

It's HERE!!!!!

So, after a winter of waiting.... the harness has arrived!! and today Ed, Tonka and I went to get it. I can't even begin to tell you how excited I was.... maybe the fact that I was up at 5:30 am... would give you some idea!!!

Tonka loaded like a gentleman, and we were on the road by 8:30. As I suspected, the harness came in a big box (remember, its from the Amish) and when they first showed it to me... it looked like a lot of leather straps!!! But, it didn't take Chuck too long to sort it all out and have it assembled to try on Tonka. They had us unload him right in their parking area, and began to fit it, making all sorts of little adjustments here and there. I tried to watch it all, but really was too busy making sure that Tonka was being a good boy... which he was!!!!

It's pretty obvious that he has been driven, because he was not at all "bothered" by the harness, or any of the "fussing" that was going on around him. Once, everything was in place, they had me walk him around a bit, and he was as calm as could be. They have Belgians, and right away, their "girls" (five of them I think) came to the fence to watch the whole thing. I think Tonka was pretty taken by all those girls watching him, he certainly wanted to stand and walk well..... show off!!!!

could he be any cuter!!!!!

After he had some time to get the feel of the harness and the "Meader's folks" were happy with the fit and such, we put the driving bridle and long reins on. I got a chance to practice some ground driving with him. I have to say, its much easier with the entire harness that it is with the surcingle. I find the reins are out of the way and it just seems "safer" in some sort of way. NOT, that it improved my handling... though, I am getting better each time I practice, but I was happy to have a "spotter" on the end of the lead line. (especially when a motor cycle came roaring down the road, he isn't too fond of them)

It looks like I will be spending a good part of my summer, just where I am in this picture... at the back of the horse (that is when I am not ON the back of the horse!!) We have a long way still to go, but I can almost picture that buggy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 11, 2007

military spouse day

Today is "military spouse day".. and it's the first official one. Next year, you will see it printed on your calendars... like Mother's Day is... and it will be on record as an "official day"! It make me happy and proud to think that the spouse's- who are the main support of our troops- are going to have their own special day.

Here, because of Kas, when I hear the word "spouse" I immediately think "wife", but actually I know better, because there are a huge number of the men folk that are the spouses, and are keeping the home fires burning while their military personal are away.

However, no less should be said about the families either!!! and not just the kids... or the "in-laws", but the "family" that raised that person to become the people that they are!!!

Raising kids is tough... I can say that... I have had the experience. It's tough enough to raise them "decent".... there is nothing "average", about raising an "average kid". We already have so much "against" us just outside the house doors. So, how do you do that... not just raise that "average, good kid", but someone who is willing to take that one step more and go onto something like the military.

Well, I have two answers to that.... number one is God... having a strong relationship with the Lord, knowing where you belong with Him is the bigger part, and then second is the child. There has to be something "different".. something "special" about a kid that is willing to take on this responsibility. Those two things have little to do with how they are raised, except for the fact that their parents recognized this, in some manner, and did their part in pulling it out and nurturing it.

So, as much as I say "hurrah" for the spouses, may I also say "Hurrah" to the families..... like Deb and Dave..... who raised such amazing young people.. and who will ever be, the quiet strong force behind what really keeps this country... (keeps us) in our beds at night, and our daily business at day..........

Happy Military Spouse..... Military FAMILY ..... Day!!!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

happy is the man......

who takes a day off from work, and spends it on his tractor, fertilizing his field!!!

This summer, we have a man who will be coming to take the hay off the field. We are excited and so is he, he will get some hay for his cattle, and Ed and I will have the chance to see what type and how much hay the field is able to produce. Since we plan to use it mostly as pasture, it will be a good test, and maybe, we will change our minds about how much will be pasture, after we see the yield. Either way, it needed a good douse of fertilizer and Ed was more than happy to get the job done.

We arrived fairly early in the morning, only to find our neighbor, Dave, already there and waiting for us!!! He would have had the tractor all ready to go, expect that he didn't have the keys!!! Dave is always interested in our "plans", I think he is even more excited than we are, to have us living there, he is always asking when the barn is going up and if I have decided on what type of house we are building!!!!

This is the kind of work that Ed could do all day long!!! He loves being on his tractor!!!! It was a grand day, very warm for May!!! Good thing I was there... reminding him to wear his hat!!! and drink lots of fluids!!! It's easy for Ed to forget time and "important matters" when he's working that tractor!!!!
Dave noticed that the roundpen needed some mowing and cleaning up. So, he got his John Deere running, I opened up the pen, and he was more than happy to run his mower around!!! He was right, it needed to be done, now I have nice short grass if I ever get the chance to get the horses up there...

Look at these two..... what's that old saying...

the difference between men and the price of their toys!!!!!!

Sunday, May 06, 2007

YCKC show weekend

What in the world are these people doing??? If you have never watch a rally competition, this might look rather strange to you... but really, it's quite simple..... you see, before the judging begins in the rally obedience, you are allowed to walk the course, and see what signs (stations) you will be judged on. Most of us, as we walk the course, actaully behave as though our dogs were with us... so, as Ed, Kassy, Sadie and MaryJane looked on.. they found it rather entertaining, and could probably for the most part, figure out the names of the dogs that would be showing from the way the people were talking!!!!!!

I really enjoy this weekend of dog shows. It's like old home week, so many of my dog friends are there with their dogs, competing and just enjoying the whole dog show scene. It's not like I don't see these folks often, but it might be one of the few times, where you can actually spend some time talking and enjoying each other's company (unless you are due in the ring!!)

Here, Moxie and I are on the course.... she's doing well, staying with me and paying attention... (they say people look like their dogs.......

However, once in a while, she thinks that she might do a better job on her own.... and actually, she might be right, because on this course, (which we did at Saturday's show) I gave her the wrong command.... she did it perfectly, but "we" lost 10 points for not doing the right thing.... we did earn a leg towards our title, just not her usual high score.... silly owner!!!!!!

new title!!!!

Here, Moxie is with MaryJane... her breeder!!! MaryJane tries to attend at least one of Moxie's shows to cheer her on and just stay up to date on all her doings. Moxie is so funny whenever she sees MaryJane... she has, for all these years, always remembered her and gets so excited when they are together!!! MaryJane still has one of Moxie's sisters, and her Mother!!!

and here we are with our judge, Celeste Meade. Moxie finished her Rally Advance title on Sunday at the York County Kennel Club shows in Acton. On Saturday, she scored an 82 (out of 100)... we would have done much better, but I messed up on one of the stations!!! Moxie did exactly what I told her to do... too bad I told her wrong.... On Sunday, she earned her third leg with a score of 95, taking a third placement. (we look like we are bundled up for winter... even though the day was beautiful and somewhat sunny.... there was a very cold, sharp wind blowing all day long... doesn't take too much to get chilled) It was a fun weekend... guess we are onto Rally Excellent next......

Thursday, May 03, 2007

pics of spring

After his work out, I let Tonka just have a few minutes in the ring. The sand was nice and warm and he deserved some stretch time after being such a good boy......

looking for that just right spot......

to have a nice little roll.....

the boys enjoying their lunch in the warm spring sun

driving 101

Today's workout was in "ground driving", with our harness "due any day now" I have been trying to divide the workouts between dressage and driving. Not that I am exactly sure what I am doing with the driving thing... but, between some good reading material and common sense, I think we are doing OK.

Now, I am certainly not "good enough" to be trying to handle a camera and a horse... but I so wanted to get a couple of pics for the blog... and since Tonka is very patient and a gentle soul, I figured as long as I stayed on my feet, and didn't drop a rein, I could probably get away with a shot or two. So, this is what it looks like from the back side of him.... there is a bumper sticker out there that says..."ride a draft and make your butt look small"... well, guess this picture says it all. Actually, this is pretty good, because even though I am taking pictures, he is moving in a straight line and paying attention to me!!! Turning is the hardest, because if I pull him up too quickly, he just spins around and looks at

"What in world are you trying to tell me!!" or in this case, "Are we working, or are you just going to play around with that camera thing?"

The equipment I am using to "drive with" right now are long lines and a surcingle... I just use his riding bridle for the moment, but our harness with come with all that... less the bit, because his bit is a special order thing.... he takes a 6 1/2... which I can tell you, was one hard bit to find!!!! You can easily get a 6 or a 7, but neither fit properly. I should have ordered more of them, because I just have the two, but I have been told that a couple of different companies are expanding their bit sizes, so I just keep hoping that one day here, I will be able to get one without too much trouble.

The long lines and surcingle are working well, but I can't do any sort of "pulling" with them, so I am anxious for the harness.... I know pretty much how to start all that, and an old tire will more than likely be one of his first "pulls". I know the folks up at Meader's will be a wonderful resource of information when it comes to all that. I really don't believe Tonka is going to have any issues with that, he really seems to understand all this, so I do believe that somewhere in his past, he has done this before....

But, we have the whole summer ahead, and I will certainly keep everyone updated on the training.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


I don't intend to use my blog as a "gripe page", but sometimes I am just so annoyed!!!! PEOPLE!!! Now, don't get me wrong, I like people, some of my best friends are people, but people can be very (excuse me) stupid at times.

Working with dogs, I discovered this quickly... because working with dogs, you don't really work with the dog ---but with the human on the end of the leash. I have found that I need to be very patient and professional when it comes to dealing with them, but once in a while, either a bad day, or someone who seems very stupid, just gets to me.... I have had two of them in the past few days.

A lady called me a day or two ago..."Hi this is Mrs. X and I have the dog, Rover, that you came and worked with a little bit ago" (Rover... let me think...I remember now.... I worked with him OVER a year ago) "you remember him, he is a "little aggressive" "... yup, I remember... I also remember thinking that this lady wasn't about to do the work that I said she needed to do with him, AND after I left, I probably would never hear from her again.... which was the truth, until she called. How can I help you, I asked... "well, Rover is about the same" (no kidding!!!) "I doubt we'll ever be able to do anything with him" (you need to work!!!) "but, the reason why I am calling is.... we have a new puppy....a small poodle about 5 pounds, nine weeks old, and Rover isn't being very nice to him" (oh brother!!)... so I spend about 20 minutes on the phone, making all sorts of suggestions for Rover, and advise her that she needs to do training with the puppy as well.... because even though he is small, he can and will learn this aggressive thing from ol' Rover. She then tells me that the puppy is "all set" because she has hired a "trainer" to come to her house and work with the puppy!!!!! ..... WHAT???? what does she think I did when I was there a year ago. Well, folks, my "professional side" went out the window.. and I told her that if the "trainer" were coming to the house, she doesn't need to be talking to me.... "really... why, you know Rover so well"..... I know the other trainer she has hired... nice trainer, good ethics... BUT, very different from me... so I try to explain to the woman that she needs to go with one and stay true... because it won't be fair for me, the other trainer or even poor Rover to decide one day to do things this way and another day, do them another way...... "Oh, I never thought about that"...."well, she can't get here for a few weeks, so let me think about who I want to come"----- It won't be me!!!

THEN this morning, another lady calls. She needs a class NOW (why do people wait until last minute and call when they are in a mess)... I don't have a class available NOW... I offer to come and do a private, and tell her when the next class available will begin... but neither is good enough.... she then asks me "well, who do you recommend as a trainer" ... recommend???? I RECOMMEND ME AND MY CLUB!!!!! she laughs and says, "yes I know, but what are the telephone numbers for the other trainers here in town?" (are you kidding--- I don't keep a list)... so I tell her that is something she is going to have to do for herself, she honestly seems surprised at my answer, so I just wish her good luck and tell her that she can call again if she chooses.

I don't know, maybe it's me being a little on the "sensitive side"... but, I think I will go for a walk and not answer the phone for the rest of the day... they can leave messages on the machine, I will get back to them ..... later....................

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

May Day

Happy May Day!!! April is behind us, with it's tricks of snow and ice, and Nate is one month closer to home!!! The quote from the Farmer's Almanac for May is "Glum, chum, but don't get all gloomy. It's warming, storming and thunder boomy! Perfect days for biking or hiking; just watch out for lightning striking! Lilac's in bloom shed sweet perfume."

Had an amazing lesson with Tonka today. He worked so well I know I have said it before, but I fall in love with him more and more. We are really beginning to gel as a team. As I was heading home (with Tonka on board) I came across a little black cocker (of all breeds!!!) running down the middle of the road!! Fortunately, this isn't a road with a lot of traffic, but unfortunately, when there is traffic.... they speed!!! Pulling Tonka, I tend to take it a slower pace, so when this little dog ran in front of the truck, I was able to stop pretty easily. I pulled the truck and trailer up the road a little to a safe spot, and jumped out of the truck. The car behind me stopped as well, and between the two of us, we were able to catch her. She actually turned out to be an English cocker spaniel, obviously well cared for (good weight, coat clean and recently clipped) nice, friendly little dog. Once I had her in the truck, I called the dog officer, but no one at that point had reported her missing, so she had a ride out to the barn with Moxie, Tonka and I.

When I got home, I found the dog officer waiting in the driveway... he had located her owner, and she didn't live too far from where I had picked her up.... turns out too.... that she had been a student of mine when she was a puppy!!!! Hopefully, her folks will keep a closer eye on her, or figure out how she got out... I am just glad that she didn't get "squished" in the road!!!!!

Moxie and I have a dog show coming up this weekend. We are entered in Rally and hopefully will finish up her Rally Advance title. Maryjane, her breeder, is planning on coming to the show and watch. She did that last year, and we had such a good time being together. Moxie still remembers her and just goes crazy when she gets to see her again!!! It's a nice little show at the Acton Fairgrounds, I am sure I will have lots to report on it next week.

I finally got a chance to catch Titus sunning on his rock!!! Usually, by the time I get my camera, and have it ready to shoot, he is back in the water again. He is much happier in his big tank, I put a "log" in there and a rock that I picked up on the beach in North Carolina.... he is a great one for pushing them around and re-arranging his tank. I am getting used to the idea that he likes to have a live fish once in a while as a treat. I don't give them to him too often, maybe once every couple of weeks. We usually get 3 to 4 of them, so they are gone pretty quick.

They had some sliders for sale last week at Pet-Co... I thought Titus was big, but those guys were huge!!! Makes me wonder just how big Titus will get!!! The turtles at Pet-Co were beautiful... not that Titus isn't-- but I think it's funny that I now think of turtles as "beautiful creatures"!!! AND, it seems like I see them every where!! There are a couple of ponds that I pass on a daily basis, and I see turtles sunning themselves all the time. I am sure they have always been there, and I just hadn't noticed them until I got my boy!!!

It's beginning to look and feel spring like....... bring it on.....................