It doesn't seem possible that Ginger has been with us just over a year... a bit longer than Chester was here, but it's just the timing that has made this so. Because she has been here "this long", she needed to go to see the vet and get her shots updated.

Certainly much bigger than she was a year ago when she sat on the scale. She weighs in at 68 lbs.. "perfect" size for her breed, and a nice size for a service dog.

We know for a fact that just after the New Year, she will be heading back to NEADS for the next phase of her training. Down Maine Vet Clinic has been her sponsor all year long (outstanding people!!!) and Dr. Nikita has been the vet she has seen the most. (she likes her doctor!!)

So, I just wanted to get some photos of the two of them together before Ginger moves on. I will admit, when it's time for Ginger to go on, I will be very sad... I loved Chester the year that we had him, but our relationship was much different. Ginger and I are very close, she is a real "huggy" dog and has always liked to be very close to me... I'm going to miss that. However, I think Camille will be happy to have her "mommy" all to herself again!!!

And ... take a look at this!!! I had been looking for sleighs all fall, and never found one. Then, on Veteran's Day, we came across - and bought - our "first" sleigh... here's the second!!!!

I don't know if it's the time of year, and people are pulling them out - or what, but it seems like there are "sleighs everywhere" right now. Ed found this one on "e-bay"... placed a bid, and "won".....

This is a sweet little sleigh, it was built around 1820 in Vermont. The man that had it said he had another sleigh, and was approached by a man who thought that sleigh was one that he grandfather had owned. It turned out, he was right.. so he offered to trade another family sleigh for the one that had been his grandfather's, and this gentleman was happy to make the trade. He only used the sleighs as decorations, so it didn't matter to him which one he had.

We have had some other exciting things going on as well. Abbie has a new friend!!!! This is Hugo, newly arrived from Korea. Our friend and "sort of" neighbor has adopted him. They have been waiting for the past year for Hugo to arrive in the states and he came two day after Thanksgiving.

What a dear little boy he is. And he and Abbie hit it off right away. They had the better part of a morning playing together and getting to know each other. Here Abbie shows off "her" turtle....

And we were pleased at the way they both shared the toys and enjoyed each other's company. Sadly, Abbie doesn't have too many folks her age, so I think she was truly happy

As seemed Hugo. So welcome sweet boy, I know your family is so happy to finally have you home and I am sure you are in for a very loved and happy life!!!!!

And then last (but not least) it was time for our annual Christmas gathering with the friends in my dog club....

We had a good turn out, as you can see, there are quite a few members!!!

The main event of the evening, other than eating tons of great food, is our mystery auction. We bring wrapped gifts with clues and then auction them off. The monies are either spent on "special projects" or used as donations... Abbie was more than happy to help Wayne decide which present would be auctioned next.

She thought it was all pretty exciting and had a great time at the party.....

I find this very hard to believe. This is me and my dear friend Pat.... we met when we both joined the dog club... in........... 1982, that means we have been members (this coming year) for 30 years!!!! I just can't even think that... 30 years a member of one club... plus our friendship of 30 years. We can name all the dogs we have had together, and all the shows we have done together... all great memories!!!! and yes, the time has flown by...... my goodness!!!!