Well, it isn't exactly "alive" but there is a new addition to our family...... another 12 acres of land!!! I don't know why we "need it", except for the fact that my Ed loves land, and when ever... where ever possible, if he can add more land to our lives... he does!!!! As he says... "God isn't making it anymore, so we better get what we can".
Actually its a nice addition... this map is a little hard to read here, but if you look at it, from right to left... the first two pieces are the ones that we have
owned for quite sometime. (the part that is white, is the field and the rest in green are wooded areas) ... the third piece (with the wiggly back line) is the new piece, and the wiggly back line represents the little brook that is the back border to the property.

Ed, Moxie and I walked it last Sunday.... parts of it where still quite wet from all the rain we had, and the little brook was running in great shape, but most of it is woods with all sorts of trails here and there. We did come across an old logging road, that can easily be restored and would be amazing for riding!!!!! We also "saw" a lot of wildlife... well, maybe not the wildlife themselves, but certainly signs of them... lots of deer poo AND.... Moose poo!!!! (fairly fresh, so we had our eyes open for that fellow!!!) we saw signs of hawks, and I almost got hit by a rabbit!!!!!( He certainly came quite close in his running away from us!!!!) Good thing Moxie didn't get a chance at him.... she might have been long gone!!!All told, we walked for nearly an hour and a half, just getting the lay of the land and where it matches up with the other piece. It now makes nearly thirty acres.... which means, I could ride all day long and never leave our own property!!! pretty cool..... can't wait to try it.
We have talked a lot about our new house and all the different things we hope to try... one is using wood as a main source of heat.... with all the "blow downs" and clean up to be done in our "new woods" we will have enough of a wood source to last us quite some time......
so... "ALL" we need to do now .. is get up there.... but that time is coming .....................