Sadie,Jesse and Abbie are in the process of getting settled into their new place. So, while the big people pack and move, Abbie and I grab as much time together. I fear I make it sound like they are moving out of the country instead of just 30 minutes away, but being selfish, I will admit ... I'll miss being able to say "Abbie let's head to the barn" and have her racing ahead yelling ..."Baby, run!!!".....
She's going to miss it too... collecting the eggs in the morning has been "her job".. and she loves going into the coop and counting how many eggs have been left for her. I love how she always pokes her head out the little door and says "thank you girls!!!".....
And then we have to count how many... and then how many are brown and how many are white and which "girl left them"... yup, this is going to be very hard on her ol' grandma!!!!! But, you all can be sure, that I am going to steal her as much as possible... and then when Reagan is old enough, he's going to be up here too!!!!!!
Guinea hens on patrol... and Annabelle knows to stay out of their way... They are the noisiest things, but I'll tell you.. with everyone saying how bad the tics are this year,... we haven't had one. I have four new birds too... needing a home I grabbed them up quick. They make the rounds every day and have path and a time frame that they follow pretty closely...
This year's turkeys have also arrived.... we got just 10 .. we found raising 15 last year seemed like to much so we cut it back. They are so cute and it's hard to think of them heading to the freezer in a few months, good thing they don't stay this cute....
For now, they live in the tack room... we have to keep them nice and warm until their feathers come in. In a month or so, I'll move them into Turkey Manor ......
And it's planting season. We still have to be careful what goes in right now, as we can still have a frost... but the hardy things like peas can get in. I'm hoping I'll have more time for a good garden this year.... and with the bees coming, we need to have things for them to do as well.....
Speaking of bees, got the last pieces of the hive painted this week... I expect a call about them anytime now....
The peas are in... and I'm going to plant summer squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots and pumpkins... so... we'll see how it all goes. But either way, it's shaping up to be a busy summer and after our very grey winter... I'm going to enjoy every bit of green and sun possible.....