Happy Father's Dad... and per our usual "style" this family of mine found it a good reason to get together and celebrate. Actually it's so much fun, because when I think family... it includes everyone.... my Mom and Dad, sister, children... their children.. and then Nate's family, siblings, grandparents...... the list goes on and on... oh and then add friends....
Kass and Nate's house was filled to the brim with people and good food... and pets.... it was a great time for fun, and good talks....
Everyone brings a little food, and it makes for so many good things.....
Reagan made this a first "Father's Day" for Nate, and was properly passed around to all... here he is with his two Great grandmothers!!!!! (Amy wasn't about to be left out, so when my Mom had Reagan -- she hopped up on the next available lap)....
He seems to enjoy the craziness of this family... good thing....
It's alway fun to be able to give gifts!!!!
Diana popped in to see everyone... she was Kass's personal coaching nurse when little Reagan arrived into the world..... she keeps close tabs on "her" little baby....
I didn't get a ton of pictures, because I was "too busy" visiting everyone too.. but we had a very good day and I feel so blessed to have my Dad with me on Father's Day..... and to see this family at four generations --- on both sides, it a real gift....
as for Camille... well, the car seat was open.....