When I am in "dog teaching mode" my life seems to be in six weeks block... and yes, we have finished yet another "six weeks". This is Chester's puppy class.. since I have been teaching it, Sadie has been working Chester for me.
We had a large variety of dogs in this class... and some different "breeds as well"... This is Forrest and Josie....
and here is Harley (who is one of Chester's best friends)
and this is Kasper (who is a pup that was bred by a "neighbor" of mine)
and of course, "our" boy --- sporting his graduation cap!!!!
Congratulations to one and all... now it's onto the level 2
OH.. and I just had to sneak in this great "family" photo of a very special student (Max) and his family!!!! I had the pleasure of having Max and his "sister" Sandy stay with me for a week while his "parents" were on vacation.... they graduated from Level 2 and will soon be heading to Canine Good Citizen!!!!
Here they are (already) Abbie's "four months" photos with her favorite little pal, Tatter. She (Abbie) is turning into a real little person!!! She has gone from that "fragile" baby to a "real" baby.. she smiles - almost laughs - turns her head to follow you, turns towards sounds, "babbles" all the time.. she is sleeping thru the night and Sadie has begun to give her a bit of rice cereal - which I think is helping with the "thru the night" thing.
She loves the dogs and TV!!!! and wants to always be sitting up.. she hates to lay flat. She can roll now, so you have to watch her if she is on the couch or in a chair.
She's a very "happy" baby and seldom has "meltdowns" though they do happen once in awhile.

and we are very blessed!!!!!