"OK.. CMP... do you not need my account and money, or is it just because I have no other choice for electrical power and you know that you can do it your way?" So, as you all know, the "road crew" arrived at the first of the week, and got the power from the road to the transformer. Then the "meter crew" needs to come in, and take the power from the transformer to the meter... about a 20 minute job... and we are in business. Chris has everything all ready, and the job is a piece of cake for the electric company. Well, on Wednesday, we are still waiting for the "meter crew".. Chris calls CMP and they tell us we are missing a "form"...... Ed goes digging around his files and yes, we did forget to get one form filled out... sorry... our fault!!! We fill it in and ship it off. On Thursday, Chris calls to make sure all is well, and to check on when the "meter crew" will arrive... well... guess what, turns out there is ANOTHER form missing!!! Mind you, they never call and let you know that, I guess they assume we know everything about their schedules!!! So, Chris fills out this form and faxes it in having been told "if you have it on my desk in the morning, I will get them out there".... we wait... all day and by 4:00, it's pretty certain they won't make it today!!!!! The silly thing is, it is such a simple procedure and won't take anytime, but it means everything to me right now!!! Oh well, there's hope for Monday, but it's another weekend of running the barn off the generator or doing chores early in the daylight. I just don't understand where PR and personal care have gone these days....
On a brighter note, the cement truck showed up and poured three "pads" and the posts for the screen porch!!! We needed to have a pad poured in the cellar for the chimney ... which will be started on Monday!!!! one in the garage for the posts that will hold it up when it's built, and one for the outside wood furnace!!! It was a bit of "nip and tuck" getting these pads done, the earth is beginning to freeze and the digging for the pads was a bit of a tough go. But Ed and his little John Deere managed it!!!
This is where the wood furnace will go...we're pretty excited about this!!! Not only will it supply the major heat to the house, but as we get the woods thinned and cleaned up, we can burn all the brush and wood that we take from it. Nice to keep it all neat and get some energy out of it as well... That should be able to get onto the pad by Monday, and a few hook ups, and it can be in business....
And here is where the chimney begins. I have been a real "nag" when it comes to this chimney!! from the very beginning of this project when we were designing the house, all I talked about was having a big center chimney!! I made this very clear to the designer, to the company and to Ken. I just have a "thing" about a house with a chimney in the center!!! (I know... she's weird) So, when we talked the with mason, I again, was very clear as to what I am looking for. I am sure he has done dozens of them, but I will be watching very carefully to make sure it's just so. I can give up on some things, or live differently with other things... but NOT with my chimney!!!!
And it's back to fostering again for Cocker Rescue!!! Originally I thought that I wouldn't be able to do any fostering over the winter while we are living at camp. But actually, the house here is just as big as our other house was, and room wise - it's fine. This little guy came in on a semi-emergency situation and is actually a little dog that I personally know. He is here with us until we can find him a new family and is a perfect dog!!!! completely trained in every way, gets along with everyone!!! The only "trouble" is...he is 8 years old and sadly, adopters can be "nervous" about adopting an older dog!!! But he's healthy and full of life and just needs that family who will think he is the very best!!! If any of my "local readers" know of a family that deserves a great dog... get in touch with me.