However, when I am walking my dogs, riding my horse, learning how to do new projects... the number doesn't mean very much!!!
Especially when the day started as it did... wouldn't you just love a piece of this coffee cake!!! It has to be one of my most favorite things in the world... look at it with a cup of coffee. This cake is made by my dear friend Kim!!! We have been friends for many, many years (one good thing about 47!!!) and she usually makes one for Christmas, but this year I got one on my birthday too!!!!! You can't help but have a great start to the day with this. If there were a bakery in town that had some smarts... they would hire Kim to come and make these cakes for them!!!!! I can't even begin to tell all of you how wonderful this tastes!!! I guess the fact that I try and hide it from the family and keep to myself tells you... but, usually I do share!!! thank you Kim for my wonderful cake.. I am certainly enjoying it!!!! THEN, I go out to the post box and find a package!!! Inside are these beautiful mittens made by my friend, Karen!!! I saw one day on her blog that she had done a mitten class and had really enjoyed making them...the part that really "got her into trouble" was she wrote..." I could make them and leave them on people's doorstep, and then just run away!!!"
Well, I just had to jump on that one, and told Karen, I would give her my address and she could leave a pair on my doorstep!! AND that is what she did... (only mailed them instead of leaving them on the stoop!!!) AND TWO pair no less!!! Aren't they grand!!! They are so soft and warm, almost
makes me want cold weather to return!!! Still, though some of these spring mornings are cool enough when I walk, that I can use them!!! thank you again, Karen.. and you didn't even know they would arrive on my b-day!!!
So, what's on for the day... well, I want to play with Tonka for a bit, maybe do some trailer loading with him. Then got to get the doggie's out for their walk and I am even heading to the yarn shop for some more yarn to make another lamb/bear!!!! Other than that, just try and enjoy the day (it's been a bit of a stressful week around here) and say a special thank you prayer to the Good Lord, for giving me so many blessings in my life.... too many to name!!!!!!!