Got another one of my clocks up. This one is in the mudroom and the moment we got this wall in place, I knew it would be just the spot for my clock. I never realized how many clocks I have until someone noted them. I certainly don't have as many as my parents do (my Dad repairs clocks!!! and I grew up with them) but I have quite a few and I am very fond of them. Kas found the sign and gave it to us as an anniversary gift... my new "logo" if you will.

Now look what "Grandpa" brought home to Abbie. I was wondering when the spoiling would begin!!! Her very own John Deere ATV. And she loves it. It has several buttons that do all sorts of sounds, and it took her all of two minutes to figure that out.

She scoots all over the house on it, and loves hearing the music that it plays. I fear it won't be too many years, before she is driving the "real gator" all around the farm.

Here are some sunflowers from our garden. They are quite beautiful now and we get new ones almost every day. However, we'll see what we'll have tomorrow. As I write this blog.. Hurricane Earl (now just a tropical storm and is weakening as it draws closer to New England).. is on it's way. We will only get some rain and some wind, but I hope not enough to break down the heavy sunflowers.
It's hard to believe that a whole week has gone by, last Friday, I was showing Mocha at the fair and here we are .. Friday again.. Labor Day weekend. I need my clocks around.. because time just passes too quickly!!!!!