"tso"... Trans Siberian Orchestra.. this band has been around for a long long time, and they have a knack for putting a special sound to Christmas music. Though it's not my usual traditional sound, I do have to say, I like their music.
For Kassy's birthday, Nate got them tickets to a concert. Now, I'll be honest, I am not a concert kind of gal.. but after giving it some thought and really wanting to see this band. I told Ed that I would like to go. He called right away for tickets, but the space was pretty limited.. still, he took what they had and we went. As one can see by the photos, we were literally in the very last row.. and about as high up as one can get. (believe me, just climbing that high took an act of courage)
But truthfully, by the time the arena filled, and I thought we had pretty grand seats. Sadly my camera did not get very good pictures, and would make one think that we couldn't see much of it, but that certainly was not the case...
It was a grand show, I completely enjoyed the music and the stage show. And it was nice not to have anyone blocking our view. (in fact we thought if we went again.. we might even ask for those seats)....
I would certainly (will certainly) go and see another concert of theirs... we had a grand evening out, and then went to dinner afterwards....
just seemed like a new and fun way to begin the holiday season....