This is Sarah and her "new dog" Zachary (aka Dusty) who was the latest "foster" dog in our house!!! Zachary was adopted out yesterday and will now be living in the lap of luxury (as all cockers should) Sarah is an administer at an assisted living facility and wanted a dog that could go to work with her everyday and sort of be "a dog for everyone".
Sarah had told me of her wishes around Christmas time... and talk about the Good Lord having a hand in everything... before I could even contact cocker rescue, they called me to see if I could foster this little dog that was on his was "in". (sadly, his family was divorcing and seemed no one wanted to "bother" with him anymore) I told rescue what I was looking for, for Sarah, and all the pieces just started to fall into place (don't you love it when God works it out like that??)
I got Dusty on a Thursday, and kept him the weekend to "temperament test" him and get a feel for him, but I really knew in a matter of hours, he would be perfect for Sarah and as a "mascot".....besides, he pretty darn cute to boot!!!!
Sarah took him for a few trial runs this past week, and he stepped up to the plate in every area.. from going to work, to greeting people to even being a good boy at the barn where Sarah keeps her horse. Talk about "one man's trash in another's treasurer"!!!! Sarah has enrolled Zachary (need to remember to use his new name) in one of my classes, and he was simply wonderful yesterday. He knows all his commands and such, but it's a good time for the two of them to bond, and refresh the things that he already knows.
I was thinking of how long I have been doing "rescue" ... our first dog came to us in 1989... and out of all the cockers that have passed thru this house... I have only kept a total of five!!!!! Not bad. It is hard to give them up sometimes, but seeing pictures like this one, makes it all worth while... and that farm that is waiting for us... THINK of all the rescues we can housed there!!! (don't panic "rumney")
I have a new reader on line that I would like to personally contact... so "Jules" if you see this posting, would you email me at SWTGRSS@aol.com so we can say hello??? well, off to the farm, Ed says he has a big surprise to show me with regards to progress on the barn.... can't wait to see it......