Well... I haven't blogged in a few days.. things are a bit of a muck here on the farm. Last Friday late afternoon, I had one of those rare moments of sitting. Camille came over, went to hop up on the couch - and missed. Very odd... instead of trying to jump again, she went behind Ed's chair and I noticed something VERY wrong... she was dragging her left hind leg. Just about that time, Ed walked thru the door and I announce, 'we're heading to the ER with Cam"...
An hour later, we are seeing the vet, who confirmed that Cam has injured a disc in her back. It is pinching a nerve, and she has lost most of the feeling and control in her hind leg. The better news is, she still could wag her tail and get around, so they felt she will gain it all back. They send us home with steroids, pain meds, and strict orders that this little dog does NOTHING...
I had to work on Saturday, it killed me to leave her home alone like that. Not only did I work at the post in the morning, but then had to teach two dogs classes in the afternoon. When I got back she seemed "worse" to me, so I called our regular vet and asked to been seen by them. She did a complete exam and confirmed what the ER vet had said, LOTS of rest, continue the meds and be prepared for a long and slow recovery.

I also contacted our holistic vet who had treated Moxie a few years ago. I know that acupuncture would certainly aid in the healing process. Of course, she is away this week at a conference, but this morning, she returned my call and we are going to see us this afternoon.
I am seeing progress, Cam will now take a few steps and wants to be outside for just a little bit to see the world and watch the chickens. But, basically, she is living in a crate and seems about as sad as this picture looks.
It has been a long week for me, I am used to this little dog being with me every step.. attending all my classes, and keeping a watch over all that goes on. However, we are going to do everything that we are advised to.. and even more so. And if living in the crate, and carrying her is what they say.. that's what it will be....
I'll keep you posted....
PS... if you have ever questioned about "crate training a dog or not"... here's a very good reason to answer that question with a YES!!!!!!!!