So, what do you think of this little beauty. This is what will be waiting for Nate when he arrives home in November!!! I guess for some time now, Nate has been wanting an "older" pick-up and he has always liked the body style of the '80's. Kas thought it would be fun to find one for him over the summer and have it ready when Nate is home again.She picked up a second job (part time) and began to save her pennies and look around for the "perfect little truck", but she never dreamed she would find it so quickly or one that is in the great shape that this little truck is!!!!It's a 1984 and has been "babied"... it has even been shown in a couple of truck shows!!! and the young man that owned it, really didn't want to part with it, but just doesn't have the time to keep it. Kas took Ed with her to check it all out, but the truck speaks for itself!!!
There is only one small glitch - as far as Kas is concerned - and that is, it's a standard shift!!!! Kids today don't know how to drive a standard!!! so, Kas is going to have to learn.
I love driving standards, my little beetle is one, and I just like the "control" you have driving one, but, if you don't know how to do it....control is not what you feel.
I tried giving Kas a little driving lesson, but because its not insured or registered yet, we basically could only go back and forth across the street. She did manage to move it a few times without stalling it, and I know once we can get it out on the road (or in the school parking lot!!!) she'll catch on how to drive it. Course, then, she will probably fall in love with it, and good luck to Nate to ever have a chance to drive it!!!!!!!
I also see Ed "eye balling" it, he likes this body style too, and has already told Kas that if Nate doesn't like it, he'll buy it off her--( I hope Nate likes it.... we DON'T need another truck or vehicle !!!!)But Kas is pretty sure that Nate will love it, in fact, she already let the secret out and has sent the pictures to Iraq!!!!
So, if there wasn't a million reasons already for Nate to hurry home...... here is another!!!!