Another bonus to the day.. it was nearly 60 degrees!! Leave it to New England, last weekend we were preparing for a blizzard, and this weekend, spring has arrived!!! The animals so enjoyed the warmth.. Mr. G had a grand time patrolling the farm and just getting out, he has been cooped up in the barn way too long!!! (but he is as handsome as ever!!!)

Given this "opportunity".. Ed and I decided it would be a good day to go through the barn. We do daily chores, but this was a chance to really get things picked up again and back in order. We even got the chicken's stall done and Turkey manor.. so the birds have nice clean houses to get them thru the rest of the winter....

The gator even got a bath......

We got all the dishes and water buckets washed.. and I even found a new salt lick that I gave to Mocha and Kringle. It was a holiday filled with "normal" things, but a great way to begin the new year....

Last night we were at Kas and Nate's. Nate has turned my "old doggie school" into his "man cave"... Bill gave him the pool table that he and Ed had as "kids".. and there have been several other donations made to the cause...so furniture, games (like a dart board).. a bar... all the things needed to make it just like home!!! We order Chinese food and just had a great family evening together.....