Alright, so it was my idea to clean out the freezer (aka get the last of the turkeys cooked up).. but it was Kassy's idea to get us to play this crazy game!!!
Put a headband on... place a card in it, and then ask questions of your friends to see if you can figure out what the card says. Oh my goodness, did we laugh.. and some of the "things" the card could say....

Example, how do you try and figure out that you are "toilet paper" or "Santa Claus" or "New York City".... we played for at least a couple of hours... and laughed so hard. Winter evenings, they are true treasures....

This is my dear friend Shelly. Shelly is one of those friends that I don't see that often, but when we do have the chance to get together, we just seem to pick up where we left off. Shelly is a Mom to three (grown) daughters... she is also a grandmother and "a grandmother to be"....

Because daughter Kayla is expecting a little girl sometime in the month of April. The thing is about these "kids"... I used to babysit for them during the summer and after school, they grew up with our girls!!! And now, here they are, about to Moms themselves...I don't feel old enough to think of "my charges" as Moms!!!

And so, we went to a wonderful baby shower for Kayla. The food was great, I got to see some "old" friends, and Kayla got so many things for little baby "Edan"....

but, the news of Shelly's grandbabies doesn't just stop with Kayla... this is sister Diedre.... and guess what... she's expecting too - in July. However, it's not just one baby.... it's two!!!! Boys!!!!
so, along with grandson Trevor.. Shelly with have three more grandbabies... all in one year!!! Talk about a busy family!!!!

and here is Shelly and I... first Mom's together and now Grandmom's together.....
Life is certainly full of blessings!!!!!!