It is such a treat for me when I get to go to "steak night". It is always on a Wednesday, and as a rule, I am teaching classes on Wednesday.. but once in a while, I have a skipped week between sessions... and then, it's steak night for me. I love seeing everyone and catching up on the news...

Now... no one there likes to have their picture taken!!! so, I have to sneak them in.. especially when I need them for the blog. So.. dear readers, if you see this and you aren't happy with your photos... sorry.. but I can't get you to pose for me!!!!

As usual, I go with golden in tow. Ginger is always up for going out... my steak night friends, haven't had the chance to meet her.. so, it was nice to be able to show her off a little. She took up her usual spot, under the table.

It seemed like this particular week, everyone was able to go. I got to get this updated picture of our girls!!!!

Though, they don't always co-operate with the whole picture taking thing either. (Funny how you all want to have blogs to read, but no one wants to let me get the pics!!! That's why I have to do it my way!!!!)