I bought a couple of pumpkins to carve and roast the seeds from. After all, Abbie has to have her first pumpkin, even if she has to wait before trying roasted pumpkin seeds!!! And I was so very excited to find out that "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" was on TV. By the way, what IS with the TV lately.. I hardly watch it anymore, but is there anything "good" on??? I can find all the Halloween horror films on most any channel, but what has happened to the nice family shows... like the "great pumpkin".... The girls (when they were little - actually even when they were big) and I always watched the Great Pumpkin each year!!!!!

Course during all this "exciting/traditional" time.. Miss Abigail just napped in her little swing...

These were "good pumpkins" full of nice plump seeds, and not too much "goo"..

We got a nice big pan for roasting!!!!

That's OK, I personally, enjoyed "Charlie Brown".. it made me think of one year when I was little... my sister Becky will remember this too.. I am sure...
Becky HATED to wear hats!!! and we walked to school back in those days. Well, one October morning, off we went to school... Becky was wearing her hat, until she got down the street, then the hat came off, and was stuffed into the lunch box. Well... my Mom (who is very clever).. just "happened to drive by" and saw Miss Becky without her hat on. She pulled over, told her to get that hat back on her head.. and that she would NOT be watching Charlie Brown later that evening... a punishment that was horrible!!!!

And, good to her word..there was no "Charlie Brown" for Becky that year!!!!

I thought that there might not be any "Charlie Brown" for Abigail this year, but about halfway thru the show, she did wake up. And even though she was more interested in her bottle than the TV.. I can officially say, that Abbie and I (and Sadie too) watched the "Great Pumpkin", ate roasted seeds, and will have jack o' lanterns to lite...
traditions continue.....................................