Kathleen brought Mookie along.. and Debbie was with my friend Wanda. After we did a couple of trips in the elevator, it was off to the stairs. The hospital has this great set of steps that are tile, and in a hallway that echos. We practiced having the puppies go up and down the steps are various speeds, and stopping and going again.
It's funny how I view things with a service puppy, most of the time I run up and down stairs without a thought. But with a pup, and one in training for sure, it is important for them to know how to take the stairs carefully... sometimes only one step at a time... because who knows how a future owner will be able to do stairs. Both puppies did very well, and weren't bothered at all about the steps or the sounds of the hallway.
Wanda was happy to sit in the front hallway of the hospital with Deb and just watch the world go by. Deb is good with elevators and steps, so this was a nice "training" for her..... course you know that almost everyone who walk threw had to stop and chat with her.
And then I got to work some "unders' with Cappy ....
After our visit to the hospital, it was onto puppy school. Good thing I have friends who like to play with puppies, because Kathleen took over Cappy's obedience work, and Bernice comes down to work with Livy for me. Both puppies love going to school and seeing all their buddies....
Making friends with 'other" kinds of dogs is important work!!!!
A few nights later, Abbie came for an overnight, and even though it's still really cold and wintery, we had to make our first ice cream run of the year. Abbie was all for taking the beetle with the top down (no less).. but we said it was way too cold. We even tried to tell her it was too cold for ice cream... but nothing doing, she only replied... "ice cream will melt slower when it's cold" (LOL)
And then, when the days are too stormy or cold, this is how we get rid of puppy energy!!! Deb and Livy have become very good friends, and can spend hours, rolling around and playing together in the mud room...
I have to say, it pleases me that they play so well together... Debbie is certainly bigger than Livy, but they keep it all fair....
And have a grand time, wearing each other out.
The horses have done well over this long winter. Everyone has stayed in 'good coat and weight"... I can only imagine what's it's going to be like when warm weather hits and all that winter coat comes off. Tonka has had great fun with the snow pile that Ed made plowing....
He's the king of the mountain for sure, but as I said somewhere before... I'll be glad to see "this king lose his mountain"!!!!