We will have three bedrooms and two baths up.. that way there will be plenty of room for over night visitors (and grandbabies at some point and time!!!) Ed may chose to have one of the bedrooms as more of a home office.. but that will all be decided as we get closer to a move in date.

These first two pictures were taken from the back corner of what will be our bedroom... looking across the house to what will be the other two rooms. It looks awfully large right now, but actually the rooms will be "a nice size" as our builder, Ken, says...

The masons kept a light on to keep the chimney warm... it makes a strange glow... this view is from the opposite side now looking back towards the space that will be our bedroom...
can't wait to see those windows going in... I know... patience... they're working as fast as they can!!! but I always want the "next thing done"...