There are just some things in my life that I can count on year after year. And even though I moan and groan about it (because I really "hate" doing the MC part of this) one of those "count on things" would be our summer dog "show" that we do at the beach. I don't even know for sure how long we have done this (wished we had blogging back then so I could have kept track!!!) but it's been a long --- long --- time!!!!
We've only skipped out a couple of times , due to weather, but for the most part, the last week of July will find my dog club doing this demo. Some years we get quite a big crowd, and every year, we get some of the same people -who (we have been told) wait f

This year, there happened to be a professional photographer in the crowd. She got some amazing shots of the dogs, and I "stole" them off her website.

She took pictures of all of the dogs there...... love this one of our Ginger...


Kassy's and Nate's .. Banjo....

And then my friend Denise got these photos for me (and the blog)... Ginger helped with the MC (and showed off for the service dogs)

A nice big crowd of the dog club members... I can always count on them. Not only is a great place for us to practice and show off... but we get to talk "dogs" all night....

Rick gets the opportunity to work with Otis.

Rick gets the opportunity to work with Otis.
So, another "summer event" marked off the list... these are some of the markers of summer, and this one is "mid list"...
scary how fast the summer is going by!!!!