I had to wait just a bit before sharing this story.. because the surprise involves more than just one family... but a few weeks ago, Kass, Nate and Reagan got up VERY early in the am.. to head to the airport that was about three hours away.....
While they were driving, they found out that the plane they were going to meet had been delayed... so they stopped at a very "famous" place (LL Beans) to kill a little time and look about.
Reagan loved the "bubble in the tank".. where you can climb up inside and feel like you are with all the fish. I guess Kass and Nate had quite a time getting him to leave... they will certainly have to bring him back another time!!!!
This, however, was the reason for their trip. Patrick is returning home from deployment.... he has been away for almost a year. Patrick and Nate were together in the marine corps... and while Nate chose to go out, Patrick has stayed. This deployment took him away from his family... his dear wife Mandi and their four children... including their baby, who just saw her first Christmas - with Daddy being away.
It was a blessing that Kass and Nate found out that Patrick's plane would be refueling here... and it was the perfect chance for them to drive up to the airport and surprise Patrick as he got off the plane for a lay over. Kass got some great video of Patrick's face and his surprise when he saw his friends....... (and since his children still did not know that Daddy was on his way home) we had to be very quiet about it all up this way........Kass called Mandi as soon as she could to report that Patrick was on his way and let's just say that at the end of the day... there were four very excited children welcoming their Daddy home....
and "all" I can say... is "thank you" to those who serve our country each and every day......
Our second surprise is a birthday party. My friend, MaryEllen actually celebrated her 60th birthday on the 17th of January (same day as Ed's). But, her party was just this past weekend. Since she lives four hours away, we couldn't go and do just the party... we needed an overnight. so... Kas, Nate and Reagan came to watch over the farm, and we were able to have a 24 hour get away.....
Our whole family was invited... and it was so nice to see our old friends... Mom and Dad had a nice chat with Jenny, MaryEllen's daughter (and the one that planned the party!!!)
Rachel, Rob, Ed and Becky were all able to come as well... so not only a surprise birthday, but a nice little get away for my family as well.....
MaryEllen was completely surprised... partly because her birthday had already come and gone....and partly because all of us invited managed to keep it a secret. (and with facebook and such... that's hard to do these days!!!!)
It was a wonderful evening.... I loved everything about it... a night away from home with my Ed... spending time with the family and of course, having the chance to see MaryEllen and her family.....
We have been friends for thirty plus years (which I can hardly believe) and it goes to say that old friends are truly the dearest!!!!!
Coming home is always an interesting drive. One thing to be said.. I HATE bridges.... always have, and unless you take another (slightly longer route) you have no choice but to cross this bridge. It isn't that long, but I close my eyes when we cross and an always glad that I don't drive it......
In the summer, you can go up the tower and "see the view".... all I can say about that is... "that's nice, hope you have fun"..... because I have NO desire what so ever to go up in this tower!!!!!!