Because Sarah is a firefighter and it was 9/11.. they also used the opportunity to remember the firefighters killed at the Trade Center. There were several different fire trucks on display, everything from very old to very new. The Red shirts had been asked if Protection II could come and be display. They were happy to allow her to go, so Ed trucked her down and parked her where she could be admired by many.

Protection II wasn't the only "antique" there, this beautiful steamer was also on display. I could just see a team of horses pulling this thru the town!!! (I also thought it would be a great photo opt for "our" boy)

There was food, vendors and music of all kinds. My favorite --- the bag pipers. They had a wonderful concert and we greatly enjoyed it. At first Chester and Camille didn't quite know what to make of the sound, but after just a little bit, both settled down and basically slept.

One of the bagpipers was even so kind to "show" Chester the pipes... and then gave him a hug to boot.

Kas and Nate were there as well. Nate was pretty excited because a local-semi famous band... The Drop Kick Murphys - had sent a couple of their members to the event. Nate is a huge fan, and to be able to chat with a couple of the guys (and get his shirt autographed) was a big deal.

Sunday, Chester's friend Maggie had to return home after spending the week with us. These two pups have been friends from the beginning and Chester was so excited to have her here (after having the week before with Banjo). This is a bittersweet photo, because it is the last time that the puppies will be together... Chester will be returning to NEADS on the 20th. They are so cute together and I hope that Chester will have other puppy friends as he heads into phase two of his life and for the time there after.
So, another weekend has come and gone......