Yesterday we did "birthday celebrations".... Both Naomi and Becky have their birthdays in June, so we decided to have a get together in celebration of both. But, before the day begins, it's chore time... and Abbie loves to do "the birds"....
cracked corn is spread for the guinea hens...
which they much appreciate......
And then the family arrives. We talked all winter about doing a pizza party (Ed - Becky's hubby) really wanted to try my double oven... but the winter came and went without the pizza party, so today was the day to do that..... He makes the best pizza, and with all those fresh toppings, they pretty much on the healthy side to boot.....
The Master at work........
Pizza number one - and let me assure you.. this did not last very long!!!!!! and if you think it looks good, I'll tell you-- it tasted even better....
Hungry people couldn't wait to cut into them...
And enjoy................
Kelsey and Reagan... we're not going to be able to call him "baby Reagan" much longer, he's turning into a real little boy right before our eyes!!!!!
I see him a few times a week, and each time he changes so much. Won't be long before he'll be sitting at the table all by himself.....
My Dad.... he never can sit still for very long, so after a nice lunch of home made pizza, he went out, pulled out our lawn tractor and got the grass mowed for us..... (thanks Daddy!!!!)
The day had started out kind of grey, and just as we were eating the sun poked out and it got hot -- quick. So, we decided to finish the birthday party at the lake. We packed up the kids, dogs and cake.. and moved ....
Ice cream cake!!!!!
Family.... home made pizza, swim in the lake, cake..... if this is a taste of summer, I'm all for that!!!!!!
Reagan was getting a bit sleepy from all this fun, so he and his Mama.. and little Amy, took a break inside. It was a grand afternoon.... but off in the distance began the rumbles of thunder... and the party began to break up....
Dark afternoon sky... make me really appreciate having that hay inside.....I feel badly for those still waiting on their hay and anything that is left in the field...
and I'm not sure why this photo looks so "blue", because I assure you this sky was as black as black could be..... and we had a very "lively" storm blow threw.. all I can say, is I'm glad I wasn't home alone!!!!