Even though I have (yet again) cancelled this evening's dog classes, I am feeling some what better. I probably could teach tonite, but my voice is so hoarse from coughing that it's hard to talk, and I worry that I could still pass this onto others.. and NO ONE wants "this"!!! So, I am being a slug for yet one more day, and hope that I have this licked. I had to go down to the barn and check in on things. Ed said last night that he was going to let Duke out today with Tonka and Silver. Duke was getting bored in the round pen, and Tonka and Silver have been "good" with him in the barn, so, it was time to give them all a shot.
We did have a bit of pinned ears, kicking and squealing, but with such a large pasture, there is room for everyone to "get out of each other's way" and aside from an occasional "I will chase you around"... the three of them have gotten along quite well. Silver for the most part has decided to stay out of it... Tonka has been the one pushing his weight around, and Duke just gives him space. A few times Duke has said "enough is enough", but for the most part, he just moves about as Tonka wishes and let it be done with.
There is a bit of a size difference, but catching this photo of the two of them together, I think they'll team up nice. (Tonka is the one with the dirty butt!!!)I have been missing all the "fun" on the farm... yesterday, my dear friend Betty met Ed at the barn. Knowing that I was under the weather, she did all the chores for us!!! (thank you so much my friend... Duke owes you a ride in the cart!!!!) that was a huge help to Ed who has been "stuck" doing everything right now....

And the guys are going great guns on the house.. you can see it well from the road now !!! They are getting the ceiling done on the second floor, and the panels will go on next and all this "pretty part" will be hidden from view!!!!
Ed is off today to pick up the materials for the heating system, we will have radiant heat in the basement and on the first floor. Our pole was set on Monday, so Chris will start next week with the electrical side of things... so, as usual.. seems like everything begins to happen at once!!! There will be some big changes over the next couple of weeks.