What a look on this precious little face. It used to be "my look" at the thought of traveling to a big city. Traveling "south over the bridge".. yup that was me... raising service puppies changed that... having to do that monthly check in in the big city!!! And actually this look on Abbie's face, was her expression with regards to the Rain Forest Cafe. But.. let me back this story up just a little....
Ed had his surgery done on Tues (11/29) trip one to the city. Then on Wednesday (11/30) it was back to pick him up... trip number two.

When Kas and I had walked the mall the day before, we found a Rain Forest Cafe. It's a pretty neat restaurant... and looks just like a rain forest (I guess, I have never been to a real one before) but it has vines, and trees, and "animals"... all kinds of neat things. So, when we had to go and bring Ed home from the hospital, I said to Sadie come with me and we'll take Abbie to lunch at the cafe.

I thought she would be thrilled to go. She loves animals... watches the Lion King on the TV daily.. and I thought she would be so happy to see all the jungle animals....
I thought wrong!!!!!! She was sacred to death!!!!

We told her none of the animals were "real" and it was all pretend...and we managed to get her somewhat close to the "animals"...

and told her eating under the trees was like a picnic....

But all she wanted was.... "let's go home"... so, we finished our lunch... went to get "Papa" and headed for home. After the past couple of days, I think we were all more than ready to be just at "home"....

However, my trips to the city weren't over yet. We had planned our puppy check- in for December 1st. I seriously thought of staying at home with Ed, but he was feeling so good, that he told me to go. Sadie and Abbie were home with him... so trip number three (all in the same week) back to the city.
We met at NEADS and then headed right out to do our work. The "puppies" are so big now that we can just get them going. Elevator ride... seven service dogs!!!!

Then we waited and went again in smaller groups. By now, this is old hat.. and even I am getting used to them.

Hard work... all this service dog training stuff....

We have alot of siblings in this group... here is T and his brother Honor... then Ginger, Leo and Clover are all litter mates... and Edgar and Otis...