Three years ago today..... welcome little one... you have been a great joy to this family!!!!!

And when Papa asked Abbie what she wanted for her birthday, she said " a bike with training wheels!!!"... so this afternoon, we went to pick out a bike. This one is very special, since it has a seat for her new baby doll... and it goes really fast, and "must be kept outside". (her trike can still be inside)... it took her all of two minutes to figure out how to sail up and down the driveway..... he first set of "wheels".....
And a post note to this blog.... this evening we had an earthquake... a REAL honest to goodness EARTHQUAKE.... 4.0 on the scale.. the second strongest one in the state!!!! and the epi center was not more that 15 miles from the farm.
I was teaching a dog class, and it was quite scary. I first heard it coming, like thunder and then you could actually feel the waves rolling under the floor of the building we were in. It seemed to last a long time, but really maybe 30 seconds or so.... The dogs were pretty upset in class and actually we really didn't even finish it, as everyone was so bothered by the whole experience.
no real damage was done in the area... but for us, it's odd... and actually, I'll deal with ice and snow anytime and hope that we don't have these things too often....
I made a comment to a friend... "if your grandbaby has an earthquake on her that some kind of omen"......