Sunday, January 10, 2010

still ringing...

I realized, after mentioning it in the previous blog.. that I haven't said too much about my new job... I got hired on at our post office back in December. I applied for the job sort of on a whim, and wouldn't you know.. it was offered to me. It's just part time, and I think it will work in with my dog training schedule.. and so I'm giving it a shot. The first couple of days, I had to report for "training" (which was at a big "hub" location) ... let's just say, I came home overwhelmed, out of sorts and wondering what the "heck" I thought I was doing. I knew there would be quite a bit to all of this, but to have it all thrown at you in a matter of a couple of days.. was mind boggling....

However, now that I have had a couple of days in the office that I will be working at,it's still a little overwhelming, but overall, I think I am going to really like it, once I get the hang of everything. I have already enjoyed seeing several of the town folks that I know from church and the like.. and the people that I will be working with seem very nice. So, working on the house, keeping the barn up to date, and the house (where we live) up to date... teaching dog classes, training Chester and now this, I think my schedule is pretty full.

but, let's add just one more thing... the bell choir!! We all enjoyed playing at Christmas so much, that we are planning on keeping it together. We have decided to practice one Saturday afternoon a month, and then when a "special occasion" (say like Easter) comes along, we will practice weekly until the event. I am happy about this, because I really like the friends that I have made in the choir and I just enjoy playing the bells. We all agree that they are just too nice to only pull out once a year, and we did get a lot of good compliments at Christmas and many people hoped we would play more often. so... just another "new" thing on m list... I guess I should never complain of having nothing to do!!!!