It occurred to me that I have NEVER missed this event ONCE in my whole life!!! My Dad is a firefighter, which meant that I attended this event for the very first time when I was just five months old. THEN I married a firefigther and the tradition just continued. SO.. I wasn't about to break it, if it could be helped!!! Kas said that she has only missed one herself (last year when they were still in NC..) and Sadie also has only missed one, due to a camping trip... but I hold the record in this family!!!!

The "Red Shirts" pulling "Protection 2"...(Ed seems to think that a team of Percherons would look good in front of this item.. and I think that we couldn't find an insurance policy that would cover it!!!)

Miss Flame 2009.....

And "monster" fire trucks...

After the parade is the "muster".. a series of games that the firemen play and compete against each other. There wasn't a big crowd this year.. maybe it was just too hot (summer has finally arrived with it's 90 degree temps) but there were a few running teams and some foods and other things to do. It's such a nice family event, and I always feel a little sad to see that not many "families" are taking advantage of it anymore.
And, After the "muster" comes the clambake and award ceremony. The bake was very good, but the building was so HOT, that I'm not sure I really "enjoyed" it. I guess we're just not used to having summer!!! It was good to spend sometime with old friends, and catch up on the news that we don't hear so much about, now that we live out of town.