Thanksgiving is tomorrow.. and today, as I traveled out to meet a dog client - who's dog is staying with us over the holiday - THIS is what I followed along the road... Really??? Wasn't it "bad" enough that we had a "white Halloween"... does Thanksgiving have to copy???
I guess so. Since we woke up to about six inches of heavy wet snow. Sunday was in the high 50's and today... high 20's... so much for New England. However, you can deny the beauty of it... and I found several things to take pictures of.
Thinking that once this snow goes, I will need to get those fall decorations moved away from the old mower. It will be time for Christmas decorations anyways....
The dogs certainly enjoy the snow.. and since it's that time of year...
I might as well too.... (though now I wished I had chosen wood over horses last Sunday :) )