just about as figured... we go from snow to spring in a matter of days... even hours... and that means we are slammed dunked into mud season (again and again)... I have been putting the big boys out in our round pen, just to get them out of the mud in the small winter pasture. I can't wait to open the fields up again to them, but we need some solid ground before that happens, or those big feet will just chew up the pasture... they can't wait... I can't wait!!!!
I let the guinea hens out of the coop a few weeks ago, and they are on tic patrol once again (ya!!!) the scout all over the farm finding all sort of great "treats". I love seeing them out and about and hope to add even more to my flock this year. Free ranging has it's risks for sure, but I am glad they can do the job that they are meant to do... we had so few tics last year that I know they "work" for sure.
I've been getting some extra hours at the post.. and on a few quiet afternoons Rylie has joined me there. She is so good and quiet, no one ever knows she is even there. One thing, if she becomes a service dog and has to "do" an office setting, she will be excellent there.
BEES!!!! I can't wait for my "little girls" to arrive... and I find my self over at the bee store quite a bit. This actually needs to go on the list of "don't go there often" (along with fabric shops, quilting shops and the like) because I can get into "big trouble" at shops like these. This is an observation hive that they have in the shop and I love to stand there and watch the bees at work. I won't have a view like this with my own hive, so it's fun to watch and see how the bees all do it. Some time the end of May, my hive will arrive... so there will be more stories to come for sure!!!!
Ed borrowed a manure spreader from Dave and brought it home over the weekend. We have a pile of manure that has been aging all winter and Ed wanted to get it out on the pasture before we let the boys loose...
Oh.. I "hate" that look... it means.. "come and help me with this project"... boys and machines... they scare me.. I can't tell you the number of times that Ed has said.. "oh just come hold this" or "jump up and get that" ..or "hang in there, I'm almost done".... I often remind him that I am a "girl" and I don't have that man strength that he often takes me for!!!! uggg.....
But, we managed to get the spreader off the trailer, and he had it loaded and ready to go in no time... here goes the first of the pile... We have a lot of "it" so I was sure that we could get the whole field done....
Off and running.....
I would suggest not standing too close behind this!!!! as you can see, "it" was on the fly!!! and it didn't take long at all to clean up that manure pile and turns out, we didn't have enough for the entire field!!!! So, Ed did what we could and we are starting another pile to age over the summer and will do another spread in the fall. One thing for sure, the boys will keep up the supply without too much trouble!!! So, the work of spring has begun (finally) and I have all sorts of plans!!!!!