The days ahead and from here on will be more than busy. A great time of year, but one in which I hope that I don't let things get away from me. It's so easy to get caught up in the hussle and bussle and not take the time to just enjoy. So "enjoy" is going to be my theme for this year.
Danny Boy is doing well... he's such an easy going guy, that I often don't say too much about him. He goes to church with us, and just settles in under the pews. Everyone just expects me to show up with a dog....
We were at church a little longer than usual...
A handful of us are practicing with the bells to do a song for Thanksgiving. I love playing the bells, and wished that we did it more. But, our director has so much going on in his life and I know it's hard for him to make the extra time for practices and the like..
So, I'm just happy when the do pull them out and ask for volunteers. Danny seemed to enjoy the bells too.....
This week, Kelli had a big conference for all the town clerks in New England. She has been planning this for over a year... there is simply a ton of work that goes into an event like this and I know I don't even know half of what she has done. Her guest speaker is John Moon from NEADS.. so of course, we puppy raisers were invited to be a part of the program too. Here's Moxie and Otis....
and Danny Boy. It was such a nice event to attend... a wonderful luncheon.. and being the center of attention is always fun. The clerks loved seeing the dogs and asked so many questions about service dog and puppy raisers...
John had a great presentation.... and a wonderful slide show....
He was introduced by the mayor!!!!
Afterwards, people came to talk some more.... the day was cut a little short for me.... but over all it was great fun.
It seems as though winter has come to stay. Time to get these birdies in the coop. Course penning up guinea hens is about as easy as penning up air.. but I have some tricks that might coax them in.
Mona.. the ever faithful... she always walks down to the barn with me in the mornings...
The big boys coming running as well when they see us. Nothing left in the pasture, so it's all hay from here on....
Looks like those thick winter coats are going to come in handy.....
and the "little" probably won't be left out in the round pen much longer. The weather changes too quickly, and they'll be happier in the barn and their small paddock...
Certainly not something that anyone wants to do.. but he stays in the hospital are beginning to become quite serious.... there will be much to think about in the days ahead.