So... the summer is just zooming by, and because I am taking every moment to enjoy it, I fear that my little blog has taken a back seat. I want to keep it up, I have for all this time, and I even like looking over the "past", but somehow sitting and getting everything down is just not a top priority some days. Anyways... we made a check on the bees, both hives are doing very well and I think we should get a pretty good honey crop from our older hive this year.... this is honey, still uncapped but waiting to be finished off...
And this frame has a pretty good amount of capped honey...course we have to be certain that we leave enough for the girls to get threw the winter... but I know this year I'll be feeding them again as the end of the summer, we'll know what we can take and what we need to leave....
Kassy and Nate had a road race to run. Since I used to work every Saturday, I have never had the chance to go and support her at a race.. so, we packed up Danny and went to watch this one. There was a pretty good crowd, it was done as a fund raiser, so lots of families.....
and pretty much as I figured... Danny took everything in stride. He has to be the most laid back service puppy that I have worked with. Personally, I don't see his future as a working service dog... I have an idea that he is going to do the same work that sister Rylie is doing... but that's ok... there's plenty of spots open in the social side of things!!!! I have no doubt he'll end up with a job....
Every August at our local fair group.. they have a "beetle bug" car show. When I saw the signs going up advertising it.. I told Ed that I wanted to take our little beetle down to it. And so, we did......
There were all sorts of VW's... for some reason, I thought our little car might be one of the "rarer" ones... since 1979 was the last year the beetle was made in the states (our's is 78).. but that was hardly true. In fact, our little bug was possibly in the biggest class they had. You could stay and have the car judged.. but our little bug is not a show car... it's an "ice cream car".. so we only stayed a little while, checked out the other cars.. and then we were off.....
to a lobster bake!!!! Which actually has turned out to be another "sort of tradition"... Lee (who is the New York puppy raiser for neads) comes out each summer and stays at the beach house. When she comes, we all like to get together, have some "bugs" and a chance to sit and visit. It's been a fun event and I look forward to it. The lobsters were really yummy (they always are).. and the people and puppies have such a good time....

I asked Kass to pop by with Reagan (so I could show him off)... Moxie dog was quite taken with him......
The whole weekend went by so quickly, and it's just begun, because other "annual" events are right on our heels, and then we'll be looking at the fall...
One thing for certain... I am enjoying each and every moment... perhaps (finally) in my older/wiser years... I know that each day is a gift!!!!! enjoy!!!