Nate celebrated his 25th birthday back on August 1st. Kas put together a nice little party with some family and friends. She made this cool pirate cake for him as well. She loves to bake and comes up with the neatest ideas.

Happy Birthday!!!!

On August 5th we attended a wedding. This is "Father" and his bride Martha. "Father" is our hayman and a member of the fire department, he lost his dear wife a couple of years ago and the past couple of years has not been very happy for him. Martha was a life long friend of his and she had lost her dear hubby several years ago. Somehow they met up again (I don't exactly know all the details of their story), but the short of it is...

They decided to marry and to begin a new chapter in their lives. It was a beautiful church service (full of fun) and then a nice reception and dinner afterwards. I can easily see the change in Father, his old grin is back again and there is a restored happiness. His family is so excited to have Martha a new member, and I wish them many happy years together.

August 10 we had another birthday to celebrate. Our dear friend Rick. Kelli invited us over a for dinner and celebration. Another evening of fun and laughter...

Believe it or not, there are still quiet moments here on the farm. We are beginning to settle in and finding the routine. The dogs are enjoying their lives here, and are settling in quite well.

Boxes are beginning to disappear and things are finding their places. I still have much to do, and will probably change things around several times. But bit by bit, it's coming together.