Poor Rylie, she went on a puppy swap with Kathleen (that's NOT the "poor"part!!!) but after being away for two weeks, she had to go in to be spayed. So, she's been on down time for a while... however, tonite, everyone was meeting at the mall.. and I thought she might enjoy getting out for a bit and not stressing herself too much.
Everyone came... this is Marv... and even thought we suppose to be "working" the mall.. it turned out to be more of a visit time. We're heading to neads next week, but even then, we don't really have the time to talk and catch up with each other....
So, it was really nice just to be able to do that. Kathleen's new boy is Mercury... he was with Rick when Rylie stayed with Kathleen, but now (for the moment) all the puppies are in their original homes. Linda has a new addition to her family too... she is now the forever and proud owner of Otis.
Otis was puppy raised by Kelli and Rick, and for the longest time he was doing well in the advance training program. I not exactly sure why he ended up being dropped - there are so many details that go into making such a decision.. but, none the less... he was and Linda thought she might like to have him. Actually he isn't working as a service dog, but Linda is going to use him as a "demo dog" at the various fund raisers, and other service dog training events that we do. And for Otis, Kelli and Rick.. the reunions will be many.....
Moxie doesn't seem to mind "sharing" her time with Otis!!!! so, it wasn't a very eventful night as far as training goes... but not every training event has to be, I guess.....