Thursday was a busy day about the farm. Ed was finishing up last minute projects so the cement can be done on Friday. I had an appointment in the morning, but hurried back to the farm as soon as I could.
Spring is in full force here and I am loving it. I still don't know what kind of bird this is... I am thinking it is a Blue Indigo and not a bluebird. But either way, it's very pretty and must have quite the nest of babies, because the noise they make when the parents are around is quite loud. The parents are always running to and fro, keeping this new family fed is a full time job for both of them.
Living in the "heart of apple country" and seeing all the orchards in full bloom is amazing. As far as you can see, are these beautiful white and pink blossoms. In a couple of weeks, the flowers will be gone, and all those pedals will blow in the wind.... a spring "snow fall"........

Our good friend Rick arrived, he has been wanting some manure for a new garden and asked if he could take some of our pile. I am thrilled to get rid of it. We are going to move the pile to a new spot (I hate where we have it.... it looks awful) and I had been looking for someone to take it away. But between Rick and a few others that have asked about it, I think we can find a new home for most of it.

while Ed was loading up Rick's truck... Rick brought his boxer puppy, Gus, out to meet the horses. Our horses are great with dogs, they are curious and very gentle. At first Gus didn't quite know what to make of these big guys, but it didn't take him to long to feel quite comfortable with them. I always think it's great for dogs to know horses... after all, there's a good chance you'll run into one or two of them while riding or driving, so the more horses know about dogs (and visa versa) the better.....
Another big day tomorrow with the cement scheduled to arrive, and then the open house over the weekend.... the days are going to fly........