After a morning of shopping, we returned to Kas and Nate's house for a bite of lunch and to re-group. We had also left Moxie and Charlie home, so we wanted to check in with both of them. In this heat, there is no way we could even think of bringing them in the cars!!!! Kas wanted to take me to see the "Turtle store".. so that was our next stop after lunch. What a cute little place, with all the "turtles" you could possible imagine!!!! I did splurge and bought myself a pair of turtle earrings and a necklace.

Since we had been gone most of the day (and will be tomorrow as well) we decided to "stay in" for supper tonite. Kas and Nate made us a wonderful supper!!!! (they work good together).. and after that it was a trip to Cold stone ice cream.. sadly, I was too full to think about dessert, but I will have to have one little treat from there before we leave.
So, the day flew by... tomorrow we head out to see the "wild ponies"... I can't wait to see what that is all about.
Sadie reports that all is well on the home front... I am so happy she is there taking care of all the critters!!! We couldn't have traveled without her doing this for us!!!!