Then in the afternoon we had a small cookout with friends. We have been trying to get together with Kelli and Rick for quite sometime, and I was so happy when they were able to come. And then we got a phone call for another couple of good friends, Cindy and George. They had invited us to their camp, but with plans already made with Kelli and Rick.... I invited them to our camp instead.

It was such a nice afternoon, we ate out on the deck and enjoyed the lake, the good weather and the excellent company. Things like this are things that I plan to do a lot more of this summer!!!! There is just never enough time to spend in the company of good people!!!!!
The "lake" has been busy this weekend. Just about every camp on the road has people this weekend. Cookouts are happening all over the place, and you can hear happy voices everywhere. It would appear that our "renters" are having a great weekend... the weather has been a bit "off and on" with showers here and there, but when the sun pops out, it's almost hot. Tomorrow we head back to our "old hometown" to celebrate Memorial Day there and see the parade and all. We have to be on the road early, as the parade is at 9:00 am.... so that will make for a busy morning.

Sadie and I took some time yesterday and finished planting the garden. We have all sorts of "yummy things" planted...so I guess we'll see how it all comes out in the end. I saved a patch to plant tomato plants and a few other things, that I was going to pick up sometime next week. But, when Kelli and Rick came this afternoon... they brought me some goodies for the garden... several different tomato plants, pepper plants, summer squash and watermelon to name a few.

I know that I already posted the video of Duke in his cart yesterday, but here are some "stills" to go along with it. I started the "lesson" out with some ground driving. It's good for the both of us, he is still getting used to my driving "skills" and I am still getting used to working with him. He has some "flaws" that need work... one being simply standing still.... he likes to move, and getting in and out of a cart, you need a horse to stand well. I know what to "do" to fix it... just a matter of "doing it".....
Because the ground driving went so well, I got "brave" and pulled out the fore cart. At first I worked with it and didn't have the seat in place. I also asked Ed just to monitor us and be that "extra pair of hands" in case things went amuck.... but they didn't....

and then we put the seat on the cart, and away we went. I know it's just a matter of practice and work and we will be doing this on our own. I get better each time I do this, and I can see my own improvements. Come fall, we should be able to drive all over the place!!!!!
ps... Silver is just fine after his night of "partying in the alleyway".... whew.....