Now that Thanksgiving has come, it is really beginning to feel like the holiday season. We have had a couple of light snows that reminds me that winter is really here. To be honest, I wouldn't mind if all "snow" were like this, just enough to give the ground some cover, but certainly not enough to hinder any part of getting around....
Though I have a feeling that "this kind of snow" is not what we will be dealing with this year... I just have a feeling that we are in for big snows.... only time will tell....
We certainly live in a pretty place, and I can't help but pull the jeep over and even take pictures of the things that I like. This old apple tree every year seems to hang onto it's apples for the longest time. And then I have seen the deer and turkey come to it and have a little feast.....
Our wood furnace has been chugging for about a month now. I have to say, its keeps us toasty warm and the heat is so even and nice. Course, I have been stacking wood all fall, but with the wood shed, it's been fairly easy to do... though as you can see, there is yet another pile that needs to get inside....
And we need to get the wagons under cover. Ed bought two of these .. hoping to get the time to restore them... I wonder if that will ever been done, but for now, both are in decent shape and we just have to be sure to keep them that way until he decides what to do with them...
I've been doing a lot of thinking about my Christmas gifts for this year... and have decided that I am going to make as many of my gifts as I can... and the ones that I don't make, I am going to "shop small" as much as possible. This whole "shop small" thing is a lingo that simple means, try to patron the small stores as much as possible... I like that idea very much.
And a few gifts that I am after are at my friend's farm.... so on this day after Thanksgiving, instead of hitting the mall.. I am driving the back roads to do my shopping. Instead of jammed parking lots and road filled with cars... this is view that I see....
and this is the traffic jam that I have to deal with. Do I need say that country life is just right for me?? and I got some pretty nice gifts, that I can't talk about until after Christmas, because I don't want to ruin any surprises....
Decorations are beginning to find their way out... and the calendar is filling up with events..... like everything else in my life, it's going to come flying in and be gone before I can even think.....