Sadie packed up Abbie, and per her "usual" style, she was rather un-impressed with the whole event and slept thru. We AGAIN got several comments about her hat... (I simply have got to make several over the winter time and see if I can sell them next year at the craft fairs)

The town hall had been decorated with these wonderful old decorations. I would love to know just how "old" they are, they're in great condition and all I could think when I saw them, was.. this is sort of thing you see in a Country Living Magazine under "what is it worth". I dare say, they are tucked away in the attic each year and come out just for the month, and it's been that way for years.There are several different ones, some really good ones of "Santa" - I wanted to take some more pictures of them, but didn't want people to think I was being "weird"

Course there were other decorations as well. It's nice to see that the "old charm" is still alive and well, and not every decoration has to be lit, moving or blown up!!!! though I like them too....

After breakfast, we brought the tree in.. just to be sure it was going to "fit" some where, and with the prediction of snow later in the day, it would keep the tree dry enough to decorate. As it turns out, it will fit where we had hoped, but we need to do some re-arranging of items before we start the decorating. So, that will wait for now, but at least it's in and ready to go.

From there we went to the farm, Ed wanted to be sure that "things" were picked up and out of the way and ready for plowing. I puttered around the barn, got Camille groomed (now just have four others to do!!!) And by the time I had to leave for bell choir practice...

Winter had begun to make it's appearance....