Happy Groundhog Day.... and all official word is that he saw his shadow and we have six more weeks of winter....
I have to say, this has been one the "easiest" winters I can remember in a long time. We have had some snow, but honestly we had more snow at Halloween and Thanksgiving than we have had all winter. NOT that I'm complaining mine you.... the mild days have kept the wood pile in good shape, and even the horses aren't chowing down as much hay....
so, if this is "winter" this year.... we can muddle threw another six weeks...
However, the biggest pain has been ice!!!! If we get rain, with the ground being so cold, it freezes when it hits. We have had to call in a sand truck to do the driveway, because it was more of a skating pond that a drive... and the trees are showing signs of damage....
but, if I brave out, there are certainly some neat photo opts....
six more weeks.......
that's really only one session of dog classes
Happy February!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!