So, while on our trip back to Maine, as Kas and I entered NH, a little piece of paper got caught on the antenna of the truck. So, what... well, it so happens that little piece of paper came just as we were talking about Nate, and what the next seven months are going to be like, and believing that everything will go well, and that prayers are going to be so important now (not that they aren't ever important)... and "bing" this little piece of paper appears! Now, we are going 70 mph, there are several other cars on the road, and this paper is with us!!!
Right away, I think about the book that I just quoted , told Kas about it... and said... "Hey, there's a God's wink!!!"
We were pretty certain that little piece of paper would fall off at the toll booth... it didn't. Then we thought, when we slow down to take the York Exit.. it didn't. Well, maybe at the corner when we hit the red light (I always get a red light)... it didn't. So, as we are heading down York Street towards home, we decide that we are anxious to see "what" the paper is, and when we get home, we will certainly read it.
The car ahead of us, is stopped and waiting to pull into a driveway. We slow down... and the little piece of paper blows off the antenna....guess we won't be able to read it...
Then, another one of God's winks appear... (step off story for a moment)... when Nate's dad, David was little he lived in York for a while... a house on York street, that in my mind today is still the "Flagg's house" (back to story).... the little piece of paper (which had been with us since the NH state line) came off the antenna.... in front of the house that David lived in when he was little...............................
mull that over for a while!!!!!!