Well, I won't be putting any blogs up for a little while, we have a sick computer AGAIN!!! seems we went thru this last summer and here we go again. I can "blog" but without photos, and I don't like "not having photos".. so, I'll just wait. Or rough blog until I can add the photos in and then print them. I don't understand these "bugs" that computers get, but someone must have "invented" them and I wished they had spent that time in a better way. Not only is it a pain that we can't use our computer, but it costs money every time we ship it into the computer doctor... and yes, we have all the "firewalls" and protective things... just once in awhile some bug can make it's way thru. So, dear readers,... sorry.... I have much to tell you... stories about Abbie, and Christmas, and Chester.. and the horses, the farm ... etc, etc. etc..... hopefully I'll be back soon......