Today was a day of getting ready. Before long the winter winds will arrive and it's time to get things snug, put away, and batten down for the time ahead. Mona is such a funny cat, and has really adapted to being a farm cat. She loves to be warm and snuggly inside, but if we are out working around, she would be just as happy with us.
She has it all figured out.. including how to get a drink of water from a horse pail when you are thirsty......
Abbie has come to spend the weekend with us, she loves to help out Baby and Papa... first order of business... get Mocha brushed out....
Ed started off with cleaning out around the barn. Silly horses, why they have to poop under the shed roof when there is 12 acres of pasture is beyond me. But they do and every few months we need to pull this all away from the barn.
Ed has this down to a science and he can move that little tractor about so easily. We also have it designed so the fencing can be moved out of the way, making the whole job so much easier.
It sure looks nice when it's all done. If only the horses would keep it looking like this!!!!
Next order of business.... winter fencing. It always "sad" to penned the horses up "tight" in the winter, but if we didn't, the fields would never have the chance to grow come spring time. Abbie is a great help with fencing, and she really 'gets' it...
She loves helping Papa and carries the post that need to be put up. She makes all kinds of suggestions to Ed and I about how it needs to be done. She says she's a farm girl.....

She's helped with this project since she was big enough to walk!!! But this year, she really was great, and able to run the fencing threw the holders. She was so pleased with herself, and was a huge help to Ed and I. So, just a few more days of big pasture, and then it will be time to bring everyone "in".......