We're getting into my favorite time of year.. from September to about January.. I just love the weather, the change of scereny.. all the wonderful things to do and see.... yup, it's my time of year. The days have been warm and sunny, I planted some sunflowers, because I like them and I was told that the bees do too...
And they certainly do. I could spend hours out in the sunflower patch watching them work.... they certainly are busy!!!!
I can't get over how much pollen they collect... I had to wonder if this "poor little girl" would even be able to fly, she was so packed with pollen....
But .. they do fly and they seem like they are in a big hurry to get it all done before the cold weather shuts down their food source....
Speaking of which, we opened the hive and we so excited to find that the honey box looks like this.... combs filled with honey stores.... and many, many bees....
They still have to cap it (like the combs in the upper right hand corner).. capping is what "finishes it off" and turns it into true honey. So, there's a lot of work for them to do, but they are building up good stores....
Every frame in the honey box has honey...
We will leave this all for them - to get them threw the winter. If, in the spring, there is still some honey left... then we can take that for us... though... if they do cap it, I might just "borrow" one frame for us... it should yield around 5 lbs. of honey.... which isn't a huge amount, but at least we might get a little taste this year!!!!!
Things that fly..... we went to the model airplane show that is held each year at the local airport. Ed like to fly RC planes, so he is always so excited to go and see what "they" have. I am amazed at some of the plane that are there... some seem big enough for us to fly in.....
Ed hasn't flown any of his plane in a long while, but he tried his hand on this computer and proves that he hasn't lost his touch. We have plenty of flying room here on the farm, "all" he has to do is get a plane pulled out and have it ready to fly..... (which can be done in all that spare time he has!!!!)
Debbie came with us to the air show. She's getting so big and I am always looking for "experiences" for her... she had a great day...
Though I think she was more interested in trying to catch this ribbon flapping in the wind, than she was in the planes. She hiked along, enjoyed the people and watched the planes, and just acted like she has always done these sorts of things...
With all the hours that it takes to build one of these beauties... I would think you better really know how to fly before sending them up. It doesn't take much to bring them crashing to the ground.....
This shows just how huge some of these models are... and they do have the "regular" size ones as well.... it's really a pretty neat hobby, because anyone with time, patience and practice can learn to fly....
They did all sorts of demos and tricks in the sky with these planes.... it's taken very seriously....
There were also helicopter and RC cars.. along with real planes that put on a very nice show. Sadly, the wind was really blowing, so some of the models were not able to go up...
After watching for awhile, Debbie decided that a nap in the warm sun was much better. But Ed and I stayed quite a while and it was so nice being outside on such a pretty day and enjoying the planes...
Anyone want to guess where I am in the photo????