Home once again... and time to be thinking of Christmas and all that happens during this wonderful time. Though, Dad has gone back to the hospital with complications from dialysis and so I find myself running back and forth . Which is fine, I want to do that, but I'm glad we are here where I can. In the meantime, I am getting some of my Christmas projects done too. This year, it's kind of a combo thing... I have a big stash of project items that need to be turned into "something" and friends to give them to. So, I dug threw some of my dog material (of which I have a lot of) and found these panels that I have kept for a long time. It's nice to get them out, and I decided that for my friends with these "breeds" pillows are in order. I was not only able to use them, but had enough for the friends that I like to give gifts to... a bonus for sure.
Reagan and Cal can be a little tricky to "buy" for. They have so many wonderful toys and though Kass grateful, her house is full of trucks and all sorts of boy things. So, I got thinking and found this great material and decided that I would make them each their very own pillow case. I remember my Mom did this one year, made a case for each one of us.. that was just ours, and I thought it was pretty cool. The boys are a little young to "get this", but I did it just the same and maybe one day, they will think it's cool like I did.
I made one too for Abi.. she really likes pugs.. and of all things I even found pug material. She'll think it's cool... so that's good.
I've also begun an ornament collection for each grand.. and then for Kass and for Sadie. There's a great ornament company that you can find almost any kind of ornament for or of.... so this year, each got their own once again. (and having this photo.. I can remember who got what in the Christmas's to come!!!) Maybe one day when they are grown and decorating their own trees, they will have these ornaments, given to them by their "Baby" and will remember all the wonderful times we have been blessed with.
Last year, I had made these candy cane covers for the kids that the dogs go and read with. And since we have all different kids this year, I wanted to do that again. So.. the brown dog is for the kids who read with Livy and the gold dog are for the children who read with Shelby. I even made one for the teachers, since both commented last year as to how much they liked them. I have to say, I think they are cute and different, and I like to make them... so.. another good thing.
And Ed came up with this cute idea for Abi. She likes to collect the "my little ponies" and I guess she has some that aren't made anymore and she doesn't play with those, but likes to show them off. So, Ed had some wood from an old barn that had been at his grandparent's place in Canada. He trimmed the boards up and made them into this barn shape. Then adding shelves, he created this wall hanging for Abi so she can display her "ponies".... fortunately I had a couple of play ponies here so we could test it out and see how they'll look and I think this is such a cute idea. I know she will be pleased.
I made a few other things for Christmas gifts, and of course Cal's stocking... there's just something nice about hand made gifts and I get such enjoyment from doing them... and I think the ideas we come up with are appreciated. Christmas is just so special and not about the "whats" we get in the stores.. but the time, love and the ones we have around.... and I don't take that for granted.