Saturday was a very busy and eventful day...it was Abbie's baby shower day and once again, the barn in York was pressed into service.. (just a side note, we have done a ton of parties and events in that "old" barn, it's so nice to have the space to use!!!) A while back, when we were talking about doing a baby shower for Sadie, we decided that it might work best to have the shower after Abbie arrived, sort of thinking that when people asked "what do you need for the baby", it would be easier to answer that question with Abbie already here.

The "nice" part about waiting was that everyone was able to see Abbie and spend a little time with her. This has to be one of my favorite shots... this is my Aunt Doreen (who is my Uncle Paul's wife).. my cousin Carolee (his daughter) and my cousin Julie (his daughter-in-law) all with baby Abbie. In case, you haven't noticed - family is "big" with me, and these kinds of moments mean the absolute most!!!!

The "nice" part about waiting was that everyone was able to see Abbie and spend a little time with her. This has to be one of my favorite shots... this is my Aunt Doreen (who is my Uncle Paul's wife).. my cousin Carolee (his daughter) and my cousin Julie (his daughter-in-law) all with baby Abbie. In case, you haven't noticed - family is "big" with me, and these kinds of moments mean the absolute most!!!!

We had a huge crowd, but with the barn, there was plenty of room for all. I so enjoyed hearing the conversations, and laughing and the overall joy of being together and celebrating this wonderful new life that our family has been blessed with.

Now, Diana!!! We played a little game that went like this - Kassy made up some necklaces that had little baby pacifiers on them. Everyone that came received a necklace.. but during the shower, you were not allowed to say the word "baby".. if you did say it, someone else could take your necklace away. The one who had the most number of necklaces at the end of the shower received a little gift. We actually had two winners, Diana and Doreen (another one - not my aunt)... but, I have to say, since Diana is a labor and delivery nurse.. I can't believe that she of all people won this game... her life is babies!!!!Good job Di....

Sadie ... still in awe of it all.....

this is Lily, Sadie's friends little girl and Naomi... they were certainly the hit of the party , as well as baby Abbie....I love how they both got all dressed up for the occasion.....

And the "star" of the show, who by the end of the day, had had about enough and was more than ready to get back to a little peace and quiet....

Now, if the day hadn't been busy enough I had it in my mind that I just had to see this new movie that was released... "A Christmas Carol" with Jim Carrey... in 3D. Well, the theatre here doesn't have the 3D capabilities, but it was good just the same. We met up with Kelli and Rick, Kas and Nate, and "hid" baby Abbie in her "moby" and went to the movie. I thought it was very good, but I have to say, it was actually a bit scary!!!! The animation was quite realistic and it wouldn't call it a movie for children. Still though, anything to do with Christmas is tops with me. I would like to find it in 3D before it leaves the theatres, but we'll see, likely there won't be time for that....