This is such a sweet little church, "everything" you would expect out of a southern baptist church!!! I got such a peace listening to the sermon and I love hearing those southern voices, it's no wonder that Mandi drives an hour every Sunday to go there.
After church, we headed straight to Raleigh and the airport. Mandi said it wasn't any trouble to drive there to get us, or to drive us back.. but the truth is, she was just being a good sport... it's about a two hour drive, and with little Maya, that's a long trip!!!! (thank you so much Mandi... we had an amazing time with you!!!!)

So, it was "good bye" once again to beautiful North Carolina!!! The few days we had there, really re-charged my batteries!!!
If I had to pick a "warmer place to live".. North Carolina would definitely be at the top of the list....
The plane ride home was long. We had a big lay over in Philadelphia, and "problems" with the plane, which made us take off almost a half hour late... Kas and I tried to bring that good North Carolina weather home with us... but, when they checked our bags, "they took it away... said we couldn't have it!!!"... sorry folks...

We arrived in Manchester a little after midnight and got home around 2:30 (after getting the bags and such)
and we went from this........

to this!!!! Snow blowing and falling so hard this morning, that you couldn't even see across the lake...

Ed said that it had been nearly 50 over the weekend, but the way the wind and snow was blowing across the field this afternoon... you could have fooled me!!!

Still though, home is home, and I was happy to sleep in my own bed last night, see my puppies again .. and my kitties....
and of course, my "big guys".. who were mainly interested in when I was serving lunch!!!
I am very grateful that I was able to take the trip... Kas for inviting me to go.. Mandi and Maya for their wonderful hospitality.. Barb for that amazing lunch we had on Friday... Betty for helping Ed out with the barn over the weekend... Sadie for pitch hitting with her Daddy.. and my dear Ed.. for telling me to go!!!! thanks everyone!!!!! and now it's back to real life!!!!