So... while the work goes on around the foundation... and the "keets" are practicing their flying lessons... "work" continues around the farm.
Ed and Nate are wiring the lights in the barn... because of the high ceilings, it's a lot of over head work and I appreciate the way they can both work from a ladder. Soon, there will be electricty to the barn, which I will really apprecaite, because (sadly) the days are already getting shorter.
I have had a couple of questions from horse friends about "what are doing about water for the horses".. I had been lugging it from the camp in a five gallon jug.. which I will assure you, three horses made short work of. But, leave it to "my Ed"... he came up with a great plan. He had this tank that holds around 300 gallons of water. He strapped it to his small trailer, "plumbed" it all up in a spicket style, filled it at the camp, and then brought it down to the barn for me. What a treat!!! I can easily fill buckets now, and this amount of water should last me a little more than a week. So, until the well is hooked in, this is the system that I am using!!!
Another bit of excitement is.. today I got Mocha hitched into her new little cart!!! I have been working on ground driving with her... she needs a ton of work on steering and stopping.. but each day she gets better and better. Today's lesson went so well, that I took the bridle off and thought I would do a bit of leading with her pulling the cart. She did grand!!! In fact, she did so well, that Ed volunteered to sit in the cart as I lead her along. If this keeps up, I might be able to do some "real" driving with her within the next few weeks!!!!

Tonka seems to enjoy watching Mocha work.. it's usually him that has the work going on.. and I do need to get him back in harness again and get his cart work going. I don't know, there just doesn't seem to be enough time in a day anymore...
guess I am having way too much fun......