For the most part, the trees have all dropped their leaves. We can see our neighbors again!!!and with it being so dark early, it's nice to look out and see lights around. The weather has been pretty mild for November, I have a feeling that one day we'll wake up and --- "bing" we'll be into winter.

Last Saturday night, we met with the kids (Kas, Nate, Sadie and Tom) and had a nice meal out. Abbie was so funny.. sitting at the table with the rest of us.. checking out the menu to see "what's good"....

"what are you having Auntie Kass??"

well... the time has come to say good bye to our blue truck. It's been a very good truck, but it was beginning to show signs of age, and Ed felt it would be best to send it on it's way. One thing you need for sure, living here.. is a good dependable truck, and not that this one wasn't.. but before it came to that, Ed thought it best to trade it.

Here's the new one. It's a 2010...and was a "demo" so it's had some (very light) use. The price was too good to pass up... so.. we didn't. I can't believe all the modern things that come as "standard" now a days... it will take Ed "days" to learn it.

While Ed was doing the paperwork, Abbie and Cammie "played" in the show room. We love this dealership.. they have to be the most friendly people going. I guess that is why we buy all our trucks there, and do all our service work with them. Kids and pets are always welcomed!!! In fact , I understand I have a few blog readers (Hi Lisa!!!) It was fun to go in and hear... "do you have another service puppy yet??"

So, Abbie and Cam got the privilege of the "first new truck ride"... there is a ton of room, and when we take it to Williamsburg in a couple of weeks.. it will give us a comfy ride.

This has been my project of the past couple of days. Each month, I like to print off the stories of the blog and tuck them away in a note book. I am hoping one day - Abbie - or any of our future grandchildren might enjoy reading the stories and seeing the life their grandparents had. Well, between moving and various other "need to be done" things, the blog hasn't been printed in a number of months. So, I have been trying to get this caught up and put away properly. I don't know how long blogger keeps the blog posted, but I will have them just in case. I did however, have to to "buy" more storage for the pictures that blogger keeps for me. Believe it or not.. I have used up all my "free" storage space. Oh well... it wasn't much to buy more storage and so nice to know that my photos are being kept safe... modern technology!!!