Tonka's harness is leather and brass, and though I absolutely love it .... it is a lot of work to keep clean. I said to Betty that I wanted to "run over Tonka's tack" and she jumped right in and said, "show me how"....

A few HOURS later.... she had it gleaming!!! I almost hated to put it on him for fear of getting it dirty again!!!!
She is such a good sport, and got a mini lesson in the "parts and pieces" of harness!!!! I wouldn't blame her one bit if she never asks again "what would you like me to do?"

but if Tonka weren't handsome enough...

Both Mocha's and Duke's harnesses are the bio thane (not too sure of the spelling).. but either way, to clean them... you simply run water over them, and then dry.... "everyone" told me, back when I ordered Tonka's harness, that I should go with the bio thane... but I wanted to be traditional.... guess that meant traditional work as well.
I am sorry that I didn't get a picture... for bright and early yesterday morning... Rick was on the farm with his dump truck and tractor!!! He offered to take the manure pile away for us!!!! I was thrilled... I don't like where we chose to have the pile (we are in the process of changing that) and if I can, I would like to keep that pile under control and get rid of it whenever possible. Some year we make take the time and begin our own compost pile, but right now there is enough going on without having to "make dirt"... the nice thing is.. Rick left a small pile which turns out to be a good thing..since my little fly predators will be arriving again within the next couple of days....
things are looking good on the farm....